Community Care Team>References Guide

Project NarrativeHere is the introduction of the Cyberfair project. Would you like to learn about our project? Please take a look of the guide here.1. Project Narrative
 2.Project Overview
 3. Project Elements
 4. Contribution
About CCNDAWhat is the “Chinese Community and Neighborhood Development Association” (CCNDA)? What services and facilities do they provide? Here is the detailed introduction.1.Research Motives
2.Research Progress
3.Environment Introduction
5.Service Purposes
The Driving Forces behind CCNDAAn association cannot succeed without a leader and the administrative staff. Let’s listen to their talk about their contributions, ideas, and experiences.1.Mr. Hung-en Chang, the      Secretary-General
2.Ms. I-Hsuan Li, the Executive Secretary
3.Ms. Mei-lien Shih, the Accountant
4.Ya-fen Wu, the Director of Meals Affairs Division
The Pivotal Roles in CCNDAWould you like to hear what the staff says about their work experience in CCNDA? Listen to what the volunteers, middle school teachers, elementary school teachers, and social workers share here and you will learn more about CCNDA.1.Teacher Yueh-chiao Cheng
2.Teacher Wen-li Lien, Elementary School Students Living Guidance Division
3.Teacher Yi-lin Huang, Junior High School Students Schoolwork Guidance Division
4.Ms. Yu-mei Kao, Social Worker
Let’s Work Together
CCNDA main spindle service support program: Holistic Learning, Caring for the Disadvantaged, .Community Service, can let you know, the entire service and program content.1.Holistic Learning
2.Caring for the Disadvantaged
3.Community Service
Service ExperienceThrough activities, they show students it is not difficult to care for the disadvantaged. In activities, students interact and get along with remote town students, and then learn to care for them. The series of activities will show you how we apply our knowledge and contribute to the society.1.Parent-Child Camping
2.Happy Learning Angels
3.Remote Town Study Tour
4.Practice Partners
5.Rummage Sale
6.Model for helping the disadvantaged
7.Drama Tour
CCNDA Survey
Would you like to know what the volunteers and staff of CCNDA think about CCNDA’s operations and care for the disadvantaged? Would you like to hear the voice of CCNDA children? Here are our research results and suggestions. 1.Questionniare
2.Questionnaire Survey
3.Children’s Voice
4. Findings
CCNDA NotesAll our precious research processes, such as manuscripts, logs, and records, are here.1.Project Manuscript
2.Research Log
3.Online Records
ThoughtsHelping everyone care for the disadvantaged is social justice as well as our goal. Here is our hardworking result. We hope you have the same thoughts.1.Survey Reports
3.The Thoughts of Experiencing the Activity Promotion
4.The Thoughts of Interviewing the Driving Forces
5.The Thoughts of Interviewing the Pivotal Roles
Community Care TeamHere are our self-introductions and thanks. After you read our Cyberfair project, we believe you will care for the disadvantaged people too. Please come visit our CCNDA School too.1.Members
3.CCNDA School
4. References Guide
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譚以敬、吳清山(2009)臺北市弱勢學生教育政策的現況及其未來因應措施之研究,教育行政與評鑑學刊,八期,頁 77-94。
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