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Magistrate Ming-ku Wei of Changhua County and Mr. Huang of Department of Agriculture

Magistrate Ming-ku Wei of Changhua County and Mr. Huang of Department of Agriculture

Magistrate Ming-ku Wei of Changhua County

Magistrate Ming-ku Wei of Changhua County

Mr. Bi-hai Huang of Department of Agriculture, Changhua County Government

Mr. Bi-hai Huang of Department of Agriculture, Changhua County Government

Mr. Bi-hai Huang of Department of Agriculture, Changhua County Government

       In the afternoon of the 17th, Dong Nan Joy & Hope Wheat Team went to the Magistrate office of the Changhua County Hall on the 3rd floor to interview Mr. Ming-ku Wei and Mr. Huang of Department of Agriculture. The students hoped to gain a better understanding of Changhua County’s Dacheng Wheat production and its agriculture tourism plans.

       Magistrate Ming-ku Wei accepted our interview and gave his full support for the Dong Nan Joy & Hope Wheat Team 2015 Cyberfair project. There is so much we have to thank for. We hope that we do well on the competition in return for the help and supports of our families, teachers, and friends.


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