Growth Course
     The growth courses for the small-group counseling volunteers begin after the small-group counseling activities are done. The courses are divided into two arts: one part is the sharing time when the volunteers can discuss some personal things about the children receiving counseling help with the teacher thing. We cannot participate in this part because they are related to privacy; the other part is the growth course. We took part in two sessions. They are very different from those for large-group counseling volunteers. These courses are specially designed for this group of counseling volunteers.

Activity One: Lifeline (Conference Room, 3rd Floor)
     A B4 size (393 × 272mm) poster paper was provided to each counseling volunteer. Then the counseling specialist asked every volunteer to draw a horizontal line on the paper. This line represents the personal life. The left end of the line means the birth, while the right end means the present life. Draw a dot above the line if case of any happy memories; and draw a dot under the line in case of something unpleasant. Finally, connect all the dots in the time order.
     The specialist said this was mainly to make everyone know that there are many ups and downs in life. Even an unpleasant moment is just one dot in the life line. There will be some much better experience waiting for you after that time.
A Counseling volunteer was sharing
her life experiences with the others.
The other counseling volunteers
were giving feedbacks.
The teacher explained the rules
of the activity.
Counseling volunteers were
carefully drawing their life-lines.
Activity Two: The most important thing in life (Flooring Classroom, 4th Floor)
     Everyone has the different idea on the most important thing in life. The teacher asked every counseling volunteer write down the most important thing on a word card. We saw a volunteer write down "money", another write down "health".., etc.. These word cards were placed on the floor. Then the teacher distributed to each volunteers some toy money so that they could conduct a bidding activity to buy the most important word card after they read and thought about all the word cards. Some volunteers spent all the money in bidding for "health". Some volunteers sought "safe" word cards. They tried hard to think about the activity.
     The teacher said that activity was designed to make the volunteers think about the most important things in life. What things needed to be taken or dropped if the resources were limited.

Counseling Director shared
experiences with the volunteers.
Volunteers wrote down the most important things in life on the
word cards.
Volunteers bid for the most
important things in life
The teacher explained the rules
of the activity