Growth Courses
     We think volunteer moms have been very capable since they were recruited. But it’s not the case. They have kept learning in class. They even take the questions that they couldn’t answer to the growth courses for a discussion or ask the experienced volunteer moms for the suggestions. We are surprised that this group of volunteer moms works hard.
     Volunteer moms’ growth courses are usually scheduled after class, most commonly held in the audio-visual classroom on the fourth floor of the school because the classroom can accommodate so many volunteers and there are a projector and the computer equipment in the classroom for the convenience of taking courses. The growth course is divided into two parts: one part is to discuss the situation in class at that day, and the other part is the demonstration of the next class (including songs and movements). During our class observation, every volunteer participated in activities so enthusiastically that we couldn’t help but followed the rhythm singing and moving together.