Counseling Courses
     Large-group counseling courses vary upon different learning needs. Life education courses are given to the 1st - 4th graders, EQ courses to the 5th graders and Bloomy Young Boys/Girls to the 6th graders. Usually a volunteer mom is arranged for to give courses in a class. There are two or more volunteer moms in a class when an experienced one accompanies the new volunteer(s) to give courses together. The new volunteer can give courses by herself after she is well-trained.
     At the first time of our classroom observation, we went to 2 classrooms to watch how volunteer moms took the courses. They had been waiting outside the classrooms before the time (usually self-study time) began. One volunteer mom even had made her presentation projected onto the curtains when she waited for the students to finish their cleaning work and come back to the classrooms. They gave courses like teachers. They spoke convincingly and invited students going on stage to share and perform. They were so good at presentation and performance that all the students were attracted to stare at them. They looked like teachers if they weren’t wearing volunteers’ uniforms.
     Currently there is no textbook available for life education courses. Volunteer moms use presentations and activities to convey the meaning of life to students. There are student books available for the fifth graders’ EQ courses and the sixth graders’ Bloomy Young Boys/Girls . Students can read the books and write their thoughts on some of the pages. Volunteer moms provide generous prizes for those students who can write well to share their thoughts.

A student book of Bloomy Young
Boys/Girls for the 6th graders
Four student books of EQ courses for
the 5th graders
Two volunteer moms gave a course
in a class
Students listened carefully and
vehemently participated in the activity