Analytical report

The majority of people do not understand the classification of historical monuments. However, when there is a conflict between the city planning and the preservation of historical monuments, the majority of people will opt for the preservation of historical monuments.

(Provided for questionnaire)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  • Analysis:
  •   In response to question 1:"Do you know how to identify the classification of historical monuments? ", the percentage of those who answered "I do not know" is 66%.  Though we are surrounded by many historical monuments, we do not understand how they are classified.

      However, in response to question 2: "When you encounter the conflict between historical monuments preservation and modern city development, which is your priority?", the percentage of those who chose the preservation of historical monuments is 79%.  It shows that although the majority of people do not understand the classification of historical monuments, they give more importance to the historical monuments and do not just want them to disappear.

The majority of people know the location of the old Chiayi prison but do not know that it has been categorized as a national historical monument and is schemed to be a museum of prison.

(We took picture together)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  • Analysis:
  •   In response to question 4:"Do you know the location of Old Chiayi Prison? ", the percentage of those who chose "I know"; is 69%.

      However, in response to question 3: "Where are National Historical Monuments in Chiayi city as you know? (multiple choices are acceptable) " and question 5: " Do you know Old Chiayi Prison will be designated as a Prison Museum? ", the percentage of those who chose "the Chen-huang temple of Chiayi city" is higher than the percentage of those who chose the correct answer, "the old Chiayi prison" by 8%. In the latter one, the percentage of those who chose "I do not know" is 59%. Therefore, one can infer that though the majority of people know the location of the old Chiayi prison, they do not know the detail information concerning the old Chiayi prison.

The majority of people are willing to pay for touring the museum of prison but not too high.

(Our teammates)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  • Analysis:
  •   In response to question 8:"If Old Chiayi Prison becomes a Prison Museum, would you like to pay for a visit of Old Chiayi Prison?", the percentage of those who chose ‘willing to pay" is 79%.

      In the following question "How can you accept the amount of fees", the percentage of those who chose below 50 NT is 72%, between 51 to 100 NT is 22% and between 101 to 200 is 5%. It shows that in general the public is willing to pay for touring the museum, but the acceptable fee is not very high.
