Investigation and Classification


(Auditing room in the Old Chaiyi Prison)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  After inmates arrive at the prison, they first go to the orientation center for arrival information, where they are told about requirements and rights at the prison, then direct and indirect methods of classification are used to understand their personalities and lives outside of prison to arrange a cell and a suitable factory; these arrangements can be changed if found unsuitable. Inmates who are high school graduates can study at the Open University if they are willing. If they still do not want to work, they have no work points, and they will not be eligible for parole. The Department of Investigation and Classification keeps a database of inmate photographs and fingerprints for future reference. Officials in this department also give inmates the scores they deserve based on their terms, and arrange for re-examinations before inmates leave prison as well as make contacts about rehabilitation and protection after they leave prison.

(A sidewalk of the cell block)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  The After-Care Association is an official organization responsible for counseling inmates about their lives after they leave prison. Since there are so many people who need the association's help, it is a passive organization. Once rehabilitated ex-inmates face problems in their lives after they leave prison, the association would visit them to assist them adapt to life outside of prison.


Types of work

(Rooms for short term laboring inmates)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  • Teaching, educating, and counseling.
  • Investigation of the accumulated correction.
  • Suggestions on parole and revoking parole, reporting and holding for protective custody:

    Scores are given based on sentences, and one can apply for parole after reaching a certain score; but if one has no score for a long time, parole would be revoked.

  • Cultural and health activities, as well as exercise training.
  • 第四工場門牌
    (Send remand Housing)
    (picture source:photo by this team)

  • Guidance of group events and categorized education.
  • Education, speeches, and religious promotion:

    Invites social institutes, religious groups, or other people to make speeches at the prison; this helps to calm their bodies and minds.

  • Reading and management of news periodicals, and printing of prison publications.
  • 第一工場門牌
    (Rooms for new inmates)
    (picture source:photo by this team)

  • Other:

    Some details about the Department of Investigation and Classification





  • Researched and organized by this team

  • CD – Foreword to the Chiayi Prison

  • Interviews with teachers at the Chiayi Prison
