The project research objectives are divided
into five objectives, namely:
(1) Discuss the development history of Pingding Ancient
students with the development process of channel and find
out the relationship between the channel road and local
(2) Visit Pingding ancient channel maintenance activity
Lead students to visit channel and acquaint
with the different aqueduct techniques in order to
understand the importance of maintaining water resource.
(3) Introduce the main maintenance organization of ancient
channel – Chi-Sing Irrigation Association
Discuss which
maintenance and promotion works does the Irrigation
Association involve and acquaint with the various irrigation
(4) Channel acquaintance and advocacy
questionnaire and conduct promotion to bring attention from
people on the development history of channels and learn to
care for local resources.
We expect to acquaint with the three Pingding
channel roads in-depth through the assistance from
Irrigation Association and local residents, so that students
will leave knowledge form text and take in-field survey to
understand the importance of channel in Taiwan’s irrigation
(5) Combine local tourism promotion
Promoting in
themes on Pingding ancient channel and extend outward to
acquaint with local industries before singing a series of
journeys that will allow more people to take short trips and
understand the fun brought by channel visit more easily.