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Status of participant

Work Content



1. Journal writing

2. Review writing

3. Interview with respondents or relevant personnel

4. Audio recording and filming

5. Interview content records

6. Written information editing

7. Formulate interview outline

8. Fill out progress report

9. Information collection

10. Sort and analyze questionnaire data

11. Draw website components and illustrations

12. Promote to all students in school






1. Call for work team meeting.

2. Project research data conclusion and analysis

3. project website production and guidance

4. Develop project title and plant

5. Computer technology teaching and counseling

6. Interview skills and instruction

7. Writing guidance  


Pingdeng Elementary School Director of Academic Affairs

Assist with the introduction of irrigation power generator in Pingdeng Elementary School Dingshui channel


Chi-Sing Irrigation Association Chairman

Take interview and arrange the command for personnel assisting with Chi-Sing Irrigation Association


Chi-Sing Irrigation Association

Leader Ming-Xiao Zhou

Mr. Yong-Sheng Lin


1. Take interview and assist with Pingding ancient channel survey activity

2. Assist with the contact for Teacher Chen, Commissioner Zhou and local residents

3. Assist us with participation in Biking for Miracles of Irrigation activity


Pingding Ancient Chanel Water Patrol – Mr. Xin-Gui Zhu (A-Jiang)

Assist and understand the job content of ancient channel water patrol and in addition to take interview


Taipei City Chi-Sing Irrigation Association Shi-Lin District Association Affairs Committee Member and former Pingdeng Village Head, Commissioner Zhi-He Zhou


Interview for explanation on the belief and production activity of local residents in Pingdeng Village. 3%

Well-known illustrator

Mr. Wei-Ling Chen

Guide for animal and plant ecology at Dengfong channel survey


Teachers and students of school

Take questionnaire survey
