Base Knowledge
PingDing Channel
Channel maintain
Project Narrative
Typhoon and torrential rains often bring serious disasters to the channel. The most frequent problem is the rock collapse and falling as well as surging river. Rock collapse often destroy the channel or obstruct the channel while river surge causes muddy water and destruction of ecology in the channel, which could even easily cause problems with livelihood water and irrigation for local residents. For this reason, Chi-Sing Irrigation Association takes the responsibility of supervision and maintenance and forms channel patrol team consisting of Pingding Villager. In addition to holding one “Seminar for Work Plant in Response to Ntural Disaster Prevention and Rescue” after mid-March each year, the person from the Irrigation Association in charge of Pingding Ancient Channel management will notify channel patrols and water gate guards to pay attention to the safety and protection during the floor prevention period and be prepared before the coming of disaster.
I.Handling Typhoon
2.After the lift of typhoon alert, the team will decide to re-open or close the water gate depending on the weather and water supply demand.
3.The repair and restoration of irrigation facilities after disaster will be processed by the person in charge of management team to conduct water survey. Pingding Ancient Channel is the key source of livelihood water for residents in Pingdeng Village, and hence the barriers inside the channel will be removed quickly in order to restore channel flow.
II. Handling Torrential Rain During the special reporting period of torrential rain issued by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan, the flood prevention team members shall contact with the channel patrol and water gate guard to reinforce patrol on key areas in regions susceptible to flood in response.(a)
III. Disaster renovation 1. Open Tunnel Due to the frequent falling rocks to channel from typhoon or torrential rain, the Irrigation Association would built a tunnel for resistance to falling rocks on top of the channels susceptible to falling rocks. It is known as open tunnel since the channels can still be seen while sunlight is also available.
2. Red marks Every time after typhoon or torrential rain, the channel is always damaged. To clearly find out which areas have been destroyed, the patrol must make red marks on the areas re-damaged after removing the barriers, in order to indicate damage on that area and special attention must be paid to prevent the reoccurrence of next disaster.
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