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Pingding Ancient Channel underwent Qing Dynasty and Japanese Ruling Period, which look remains the same. The Channel administration during period periods were passed down by different organizations. However the main task of the Channel was the same as to provide the local agricultural lands with quality and abundant irrigation water. Currently the Pingding Channel is administered and maintained under the full responsibility of Taipei City Chi-Sing Irrigation Association. The Channel is designed for the Yangmingshan National Park and conservation, the Irrigation Association took consideration of ecology into the design of damage maintenance and various aqueducts since 1999, so that the improvement and administration of Channels can cover ecology, living and productivity. The Association expects to create friendly and natural irrigation ecology environment and constant irrigation water supply for the living of local residents.(e)


Taipei City Chi-Sing Irrigation Association offers maintenance works for the safety and protection of Channels below:

1. Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Maintenance
Pingding Ancient Channel contains narrow and short aqueducts while its location in the mountain area with large gap between Channels require multiple times of maintenance on irrigation and drainage facilities daily.

2. Water monitoring and water yield observation
To assure the water quality for irrigation, the Irrigation Association routinely conducts four preliminary tests on the water every 2 months, with content of tests in measurement of water temperature, pH value, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen. Additionally the implements heavy metal reinforced (multiple tests) monitoring points in various key test stations, sampling water once every half year to analyze in the laboratory. The content of tests includes 17 elements in irrigation water, including chloride, sulfate, total chlorine, carbonate, bicarbonate, copper, chromium, lead, zinc, nickel, total chromium, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, sodium, arsenic, mercury, sodium absorption rate and residual sodium carbonate, and saline. The Association pays close attention to observing the water quality and irrigation water yield in order to control the water quality and change in water yield, providing quality irrigation and livelihood water for local residents.



3. Disaster Prevention and Rescue

Each year in March the Irrigation Association drafts disaster prevention and rescue plan while completing equipment inspection and maintenance as well as seminar drills by the end of April. In the event of disaster, the personnel can execute disaster prevention and rescue work in organized manners. Additionally, the Association introduces remote monitoring and automatic equipment into the disaster prevention and rescue to readily control the scenes through remote monitoring and can immediately dispatch person for handling in case of emergency situations. For example, the electric trash rack of Baxian Channel in Xian Street, Shuimokeng Creek and drainage and pumping station of irrigation in Guangdu are all established with remote monitoring equipment, which will allow Chi-Sing Irrigation Association to meet the objectives in “remote monitoring and instant treatment” during typhoon seasons and flood control period, thereby boosting work efficiency and reducing the occurrence of disasters.


4. Facilities Improvement

The improvement on irrigation facilities not only takes consideration of demand for cross-section such as irrigation, drainage and other passage but also includes factors in maintenance of ecology, environmental embellishment, disaster reduction, disaster prevention, and subsequent administration in the scope of planning design, formulating the correct actions for the land and proposing the most suitable improvement solutions.(f


      The above content shows that the core of Channel maintenance lies on the clearness of water and smoothness with aqueduct drainage. Under the systematic and efficient administration by Chi-Sing Irrigation Association, the three ancient Channels of Pingding have been able to maintain its original look over the long run while continuing the supply of clean water to local residents.


Reference material:
(a)Taipei City Chi-Sing Irrigation Association Journal
, September 2012
(e)Praise Channel
(f)About Chi-Sing Irritation Association – Land, Water and Life
, October 2013