Known Hualien

Origin of names

Si Hua

Current Names Ancient Names Origins
Hualien City
Hualien Port
Chilai means dislike in Japanese, and Huilan in Taiwanese sounds similar to "Hualien". It was changed to Hualien Port in Chin Dynasty and simplified to Hualien in the Empire of Japan Rule.
It means the sandstorming valley in Bunun language and a place full of fern in Amis. Another saying is that it is the transLightration of "paikeke"which means fern in Amis.
Shuiweu, Keke
Because all the rivers and streams, such as Sioguluan, Tabila, Malangou, and Hongye, gather in this area, the name "Shuiwei" was given. The plains here are broad so the Amis called it "keke".
Some of the Amis settled in this area and so did the Chinese Evergreen which was called Maogong in Amis. Therefore the Amis named this place after the flourishing Chinese Evergreen.
Liyu Tail
This was where the Amis hunted, at the south side of Liyu Mountain. The villages were built at the south point of Liyu Mountain.
Baneida, Ganhsi
The Bunun village was called Baneida. The river channel was usually dry except the raining season, therefore, it was named Ganhsi (dried river). After 1934, the villagers at the upstream of Lagulagu River of Batongguan Trail moved to the plains to settle, and called it Zhuoxi.
The Atayal called this area Daluwan, and the Chinese called it Bieluoman or Daoluoman.
Fonglin was called Maliwu, meaning uphill. In the old times, the area was full of woods and the magnolia flourished around the trees. It looked like the phoenix opening the wings. When the Chinese came to cultivate, they called it Fonglin (the phoenix woods).
Chijiaochuan, Chikahsuan, Yoshino
The Amis discovered a lot of woods here and called it Chikahsuan, the Chinese translated it to Chujiaohsuan, Chujiaochuan, or Chijiaochuan, then it was generally called Chijiaochuan. During the Empire Japan Rule, the Japanese renamed it Yoshino.
Vataan, Yamato
The Amis saw the edible pigeon peas in this area and named it after the pigeon pea in Amis, Vataan. The Japanese changed it to Yamato in 1937.
Da Zhuang, Gongpu
Da Zhuang was the name of Tongli village in Fuli. The old village (the current Changliang village in Yuli) resided the tribe of Siraya. After years, the population grew to more than 40 households and enlarged the village. Therefore, it was named the Da Zhuang. However, the traffic was not convenient and the surrounding were dangerous to the villagers, they then moved to the current location which was just crossed the river, but still remained the name of village.
Wanli Bridge
It was included in Fonglin before the Chinese came, meaning uphill in Amis. When the iron bridge was built in 1917, this area was known as "Wanli Bridge".
Wushilin means new buds in Atayal language.