Cycle Classroom

Structure and Maintenance 


A cycle can be divided into four parts in structure, frame system, motor system, break system, and speed changing system. Knowing the names of these basic structures helps you to know how to select and purchase the cycles you need. Moreover, you will know how to find the parts when it comes to maintenance.

Frame System

  1. Qian cha -- Front Fork
  2. Hou shang cha-- Seat Stay
  3. Hou shia cha -- Chain Stay
  4. Shang guan-- Top Tube
  5. Shia Guan -- Down Tube
  6. Li Guan -- Seat Tube
  7. Tou Wan -- Head Parts
  8. Wu Tong Guan -- Bottom Bracket
  9. Zuo Dian -- Saddle
  10. Zuo Guan -- Seat Post
  11. Gou Zhua -- Hanger

Motor System

  1. Da Pan -- Chainrings
  2. Lian Tiao -- Chain
  3. Qu Bin -- Crank
  4. Fe Lun -- Free Wheel
  5. Ta Ban -- Pedal
  6. Lun Quan -- Rim
  7. Wie Tai -- Tyres
  8. Nei Tai -- Inner Tubes
  9. Qi Jue -- Valve
  10. Fu Tiao -- Spoke
  11. Hua Gu -- Hub

Break System

  1. Shia Che Chi -- Brakes
  2. Shia Che Pe -- Brake Shoes
  3. Shia Che Xian -- Brake Cable
  4. Shia Che Guan --Brake Cable Housing

Speed Changing System

  1. Bian Shu Bo Gan -- Shift Levers
  2. Qian Bian Shu Qi Front Derailleur
  3. Hou Bian Shu Qi -- Rear Derailleur

Basic Maintenance

There are three levels of the maintenance of cycles:

  1. Basic maintenance: simple wiping and cleaning.
  2. Regular maintenance: field stripping the parts, oil to maintain, use general and simple tools
  3. Premium maintenance: detail stripping the parts, oil to maintain, require professional

Basic Tools

    1. toolsAdjustable or open-end wrench: if not adjustable, can choose No. 14 or 15.
    2. Hex key: adjust parts.
    3. Screw driver: there are two types, slot and cross.
    4. Tyre lever: to remove the tyre
    5. Tyre cement and patch: for patching a tyre
    6. Chain tool: to disconnect the chain
    7. Spoke wrench: to adjust the tension in the spokes of a tyre
    8. Lubricant: need to prepare grease, chain lube, and general lubricating oil

    Here we only introduce the basic maintenance. It is a very basic method to maintain, but efficient enough to reduce the wearing of parts and increase the duration of usage. We need to value this simple an inexpensive maintenance. The frequency to perform this maintenance depends on how often we use the cycles and the weather. Here is the procedure we can follow:

      1. Wash with water.
      2. If the soil stuck on the cycle is too thick, use a brush to clean.
      3. Dry it with a dry towel.
      4. If you have a chain cleaner, use it to clean the chain.
      5. Next step is to lubricate. You can use the chain lube for the chain. If you don't have it, use the sewing machine oil instead.
      6. Oil the chainring.
      7. Wipe off the excess after lubricating so the dust won't get stuck and cause more damage of the parts.