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I am very happy to participate in the competition of International CyberFair 2015. During the process, I discussed with my students the theme, instructed them, and saw their constant development and effort. I believe this would be the best, rich experience during high school for them. I also expect my students to find their pleasure in it and give the best performance.



I am always surrounded by a variety of students who come from different families and bear different personalities. However, they approach you almost for the same reason: they trust you and like you. With the trust and like, I hope to guide them to care about people around us and know the world better. I want them to remember that life is so amazing when they participate in any event. The international CyberFair event is one of the best because it can spread love and care to the world. This is what I am totally appealed to in the teaching career. I always tell myself and remind my students of the following quote.

   I see; then I think.

   I think; then I do.

   I see, I think, and I do. That is understanding.