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1. Gender of the subjects








Analysis Result:

It was found that the number of females who came to Shanshuilu Eco-Park is more than that of males. However, the difference between them was not that significant. That means either males or females would go to the park to enjoy the nature.




  2. Age of the subjects










14 %

14 %

26 %

30 %

11 %

Analysis Result:

The tourists who visited Shanshuilu Eco-Park were at almost all ages. However, most of them were between the age of 36 to 45 and between 26 to 35. That is, 70 percent of the tourists were at the age between 19 to 45 adults. It was possible that these tourists could drive to the park. If the transportation gives better access to the park, perhaps the percentage of age variance will change. On the other hand, it could be these people are the mainstay of environmental protection.  


  3. Transportation




Public Trans




73 %

19 %

3 %

5 %


Analysis Result:


Most of the tourists came here by driving (73%). Fortunately, the park offers a big parking lot for the tourists. In contrast, only 19% of the tourists came to the park by bus. The ones who walked to the park lived around here (5%).




4. Information Channels to Know Shanshuilu Eco-Park








37 %

48 %

7 %

11 %

Analysis Result:

When these tourists were asked how they knew Shanshuilu Eco-Park, 37% of them claimed they had the information from the Internet and 45% were told by their relatives or friends. The result seemed to show that the information channels were quite limited. Perhaps the officials need to make more effort on marketing the place since they have invested so much money and labor rebuilding it.

  5. Purposes of Visiting





Gathering w / family



53 %

28 %

17 %

2 %

Analysis Result:

  Most of the tourists (53%) came here for hiking and many (28%) for picnicking. Obviously, Shanshuilu Eco-Park, a green landscape in healthy, sustainable, environmentally friendly, provided a great place for people to relax themselves.




6. Sharing the Beauty







81 %


2 %

Analysis Result:

This question is the tourists’ feedback about Shanshuilu Eco-Park, that is, whether they would tell their relatives and friends about the park and suggest them visiting here. Satisfyingly, 81% would love to do so. The result reveals the success of the ecological park.



  7. Satisfaction of the Environment




 Excellent   Good   Okay   Bad   Worse


53 %

26 %

17 %

3 %

1 %

Analysis Result:


  This question is about the tourists’ satisfaction about Shanshuilu Eco-Park. The answer of the previous question showed that 81% would love to introduce the park to their relatives and friends; however, 53% of them felt satisfied with the park. Although the percentage is beyond the half, we still thought there would be room for improvement.


8. Rate of Visitor Return







90 %

8 %

2 %


Analysis Result:

When the tourists were asked whether they would visit other ecological parks after they visited Shanshuilu Eco-Park, surprisingly, 90% of them said “Yes.” It is super successful for this ecological park. It is also encouraging that people nowadays have the sense of environmental protection. Although some of them may not really know how, at least, they would like to participate in experiencing the ecological parks and see their development.


9. Satisfaction of Detailed Items


Analysis Result:

  In this question, the tourists could have multiple choices about the satisfaction items of Shanshuilu Eco-Park. Far beyond the half loved its clean and comfortable environment (69%) and spacious (73%). They could enjoy the limitless green landscape. In addition, around half of them (41%) loved eco-knowledge design and activities. It in fact is hard to believe this was a landfill that almost everyone hates.



10. Drawbacks


Analysis Result:

The tourists could have multiple choices about the drawbacks of Shanshuilu Eco-Park. When they were asked about the drawbacks of Shanshuilu Eco-Park, 57% of the answers were inconvenient transportation, 50%, poor selection of food, and 43% , the marketing. That is, not many people know this place.