Questionnaire Survey (regular visitors) on Bo-Pi Liao Historic District Date: 2015/10/24
Hello, we are students from Jhongli Commercial High School, and thank you very much for participating in the survey. It is a questionnaire about Bo-Pi Liao Historic District. Your answers will be strictly confidential, and the data collected is to be used for conducting a statistic analysis and academic study, in order to understand visitors’ opinions of Bo-Pi Liao. Please answer the following questions truthfully.
1.How old are you?
□ Under 18 yrs old □ 19~30 yrs old □ 31~40 yrs old □ 41~50 yrs old
□ 51~60 yrs old □ above 65 yrs old
2.What is your occupation?
□ Student □ Agriculture □ Industry □ Business □ Civil servant □ Others______________
3.Where are you from?
□ North □ Central □ South □ East □ Others _________________
4.Have you ever heard of Bo-Pi Liao historic district?
□ Yes □ No
5.Have you ever visited Bo-Pi Liao Historic District?
( If a respondent’s answer to Q4 is NO, then skip the following questions. )
□ Yes, I’ve been there ________ times
□ No, I only heard of it.
6.How did you learn about Bo-Pi Liao?
□ TV □ Newspaper □ The internet □ Others___________________
7.Has the number of tourists increased after the old street was restored?
□ Yes □ No
8.What do you like about Bo-Pi Liao?
□ Street food □ Old houses □ Street views □ Others___________________
9.Would you be interested in visiting again?
□ Yes □ No
10. How satisfied are you with this questionnaire?
□ Very good □ Good □ It’s okay □ Not good □ Very bad.
(Photos in below are taken by our team members.)