Originally founded in Huian, Quanzhou, Qingshangong Temple has a history of 1600 years. The temple worships “Ling An Zun Wang”, also known as Qingshan Wang. In 1854, a plague broke out in Mengjia, so local residents invited the spirit of Qingshan Wang to Mengjia, to comfort the people and cool off the epidemic situation. Afterwards, accounts of miracles made it more well-known. Between 1856 and 1859, a new temple was built on Guiyang Street. Because of its historic, cultural and artistic significance, the temple was in 1985 designated as a third-grade national monument. Every year, on October 22nd and 23nd according to the old calendar, Qingshangong Temple would organize a huge festival to celebrate the birthday of Qingshan Wang, known as the “Big Mengjia Worship.”


Qingshangong Temple also worships two princesses, as well as other deities that represent the judicial system. The festival of Qingshan Wang lasts for four days, and deities including the Qingshui from Mengjia Qingshui Temple, Guanyin from Mengjia Longshan Temple and others are invited as guests. On the 20th and 21st of October according the old calendar, they would quietly investigate the northern and southern Wanhua district to catch evil ghosts and drive away indecent spirits..

          (Photos in below are taken by our team members.