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Philosophers-Min Tsu-chien

Min Sun (also known as Min Tsu-chien) was one of Confucius' students from the kingdom of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty. Confucius considered him a virtuous person due to his obedient nature. During childhood, Min suffered under the mistreatment of his stepmother. She would line his clothes with weeds in the winter, while she lined her own sons' clothes with warm cotton. One day, while taking his father out in a carriage, Min almost succumbed to the cold. When his father learned what had happened, he went back to cast his wife out of the house. However, Tsu-chien said, "If mother leaves, there will be three of your sons who go cold, but if she stays, then only one will suffer." Min's stepmother was touched by his kindness and never mistreated him again.

¡·The picture on this page are from:

Jan Keng
(also known as Jan Po-niu) was born in the kingdom of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty. His teacher Confucius considered him a virtuous person. When he was taken ill, Confucius came to call on him. Through the window, Confucius took Jan's hand and sighed, "Death is part of our destiny, but why is it that this man suffers from such an illness? Why is it?¡¨

Jan Yan (also known as Jan CHong-kung) was born in the kingdom of Lu during theSpring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty. His teacher, Confucius, considered him a virtuous person. Although CHong-kung's father was not known for his good deeds, CHong-kung himself was often praised for his sincerity. Confucius once said, "CHong-kung's father can be compared to a multi-colored ox, but the calf is pure red and healthy. The calf is much in demand as a sacrifice for national worship. The people could refuse to sacrifice it, and still, the gods of the mountains and rivers would not let go." Confucius also praised CHong-kung by saying, "He is capable of being a ruler.

¡·The picture on this page are from:

Min Tsu-chien
Tsai Yu
Chi Lu
Chuan Sun Shih