::: Welcome Dong Shan Beiguan Club!中文版

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    -Project Narrative
      --Project Information
      --Member Introduction & Reflection
      --Progress Report
    -Consent of Authorization

04.My Hometown

    -Changhua Introduction
    -Visit Temple
      --Zhun'An Temple
      --Nanyao Temple

05.About Beiguan

    -Beiguan Origin
    -Beiguan Gods
    -Kind Of Beiguan Music
    -Beiguan Notation

06.Playing Form

    -Music Hall
    -Pai Chang

07.Beiguan Development

    -Beiguan Instrument
    -Gongche Notation Teaches
    -School Club


    -Director Of The Bureau Of Culture Of Changhua County - Zhang,Que-Fen
    -Leader Of Fongli Yuan - Cao,Rong-Yuan
    -Chairman Of Zhun'An Temple - Lin,Chao-Yang
    -Leader Of the Palm Puppetry Theater Troupe - Wu, Qing-Fa
    -Beiguan Teacher - Liu,Wen-Yu
    -Dongshan elementary school teacher - Huang, Yu-Shan

09.Beiguan Promotion

    -Beiguan Performance
    -Beiguan Promotion
    -Laser Engraving