::: Welcome Dong Shan Beiguan Club!中文版

Beiguan Teacher - Liu,Wen-Yu

1.Basic Information:

(1).Name: Liu,Wen-Yu


(3).Service Units:  Changhua Yu-jing Yuan

(4).Job Title: Leader


2.Interview Questions:

Q1.Why did you choose to teach at Dongshan Elementary School?

A1. Dongshan Fongli Yuan and Yujing Yuanin Changhua are geographically related to Dongshan Elementary School. Considering the age gap between the older artists and the students, we were afraid that we might not be able to communicate and teach the students effectively. Therefore, Dongshan Elementary School hired me to teach Beiguan culture.

Q2. What do you want your students to learn from you?

A2. I want them to have an understanding of traditional art and culture, and to expand their knowledge and comprehension of the essence and spirit of traditional art and culture through learning about Beiguan music. This can effectively allow students to know and understand the intertwining of culture and music.

Q3. Why do you support or participate in the school's promotion of Beiguan activities?

A3. Due to the progress of time and the declining birthrate, there are almost only older Beiguan artists left; many have already passed away. This traditional music has gradually declined, but it should not be allowed to die. Moreover, Changhua is a major center for Beiguan music and we should promote the development and continuation of this traditional music.

Q4. What are the differences in teaching Beiguan music to adults and to younger students?

A4. Teaching adults is more difficult compared to students due to age differences, and levels of understanding. The best teaching method for adults is to use a "slow and steady wins the race" approach, practicing every day or for three to four days a week. With diligence, improvement can be achieved. Children are different from adults. They have a stronger learning comprehension but may lack sustained interest, so I create a compelling learning environment to spark their interest and promote serious learning, while also emphasizing repeated practice along the way.

Q5. How would you guide a student who can't seem to learn no matter how hard they try?

A5. If I encounter a student with lower learning abilities, I would invest more patience to guide them in repeating chants and playing rhythms to help them absorb the knowledge more effectively, so that they can gradually catch up to their classmates.

Q6. Is there anything else you would like to share?

A6. Once, I took the students to participate in a Yuanlin temple parade, allowing them to experience playing the traditional Beiguan music while leading the chariot. This lets them know that they don't just have to practice and perform on campus, but they can also have a practical sense of participation. However, on that day I was both proud and nervous. I was proud that they genuinely participated in traditional folk culture activities and learned from it, but nervous because it was my first time taking students out, and I was worried that they might give up due to fatigue or weather factors. On the other hand, I was also concerned that they might be hit by enthusiastic firecrackers along the way. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

