::: Welcome Dong Shan Beiguan Club!中文版

The promotion of Beiguan music education at Dong Shan Elementary School was initiated by a local education promotion from the Changhua County Government. During the school's centennial celebration, the school principal met with Mr. Tsao Rong-yuan, the third leader of Dongshan Fongli Yuan's Beiguan music troupe, who shared his expertise in traditional cultural arts. In order to sustain the development of traditional skills and culture, the principal decided to promote Beiguan music culture.


(Chart: Teacher Huang Yu-shan of Dong Shan Elementary School)


We not only learn from our teachers, but also perform in front of other students in class after we have mastered the skills. This helps others to better understand the history and culture of Beiguan music, allowing it to be brought into the classroom and integrated into daily life. By making Beiguan music more accessible, we can continue to pass on this cultural heritage.