::: Welcome Dong Shan Beiguan Club!中文版

We utilized the school's existing laser engraving machine to design images of traditional Chinese musical instruments and deities along with their descriptions, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Beiguan music. Here’s how we did it.


1.Design the images of traditional Chinese musical instruments and deities on a computer.

2.Export the file and turn on the engraving machine.

3.Import the file into the engraving machine.

4.Adjust the laser engraving machine's laser position on the engraving material (wood).

5.Start laser engraving process.

6.The finished product is ready!



We placed the image of the traditional Chinese musical instruments or deities on the front, and the corresponding description on the back. Our idea is that in the future, if there is a need for it in northern music classes, we can use this laser-engraved wooden set to introduce the instruments or help classmates find the names of the instruments.

Through this laser engraving project, I gained a deeper understanding of the intricacies and essence of Beiguan music.
