::: Welcome Dong Shan Beiguan Club!中文版


Survey Topic: Do You Know About Beiguan Music?

Survey Participants: Pilgrims and Staff Members of Dongshan Zhun’an Temple

Survey Date: January 15th, 2023

Survey Purpose: We will participate in the 2023 International School Net Expo under the theme of "Phoenix Singing in Dongshan, Inheriting the Beiguan Music." We hope to gain a deeper understanding of the history and origins of Beiguan music through the establishment of a Beiguan music club at school. We also hope that more people can understand the essence of Beiguan music.

Number of Surveys: 93 questionnaires in total

Survey Design: The survey questions are mainly closed-ended questions to facilitate respondents in filling out the questionnaire. Some questions use multiple-choice options to obtain more information. Each student was required to design survey questions. Finally, after a discussion, the following questions were selected. In addition to research and investigation, we also hope to make this activity more meaningful, and we hope that more people can understand the essence and origins of Beiguan music through the survey.


*Gender:51 males,42 females

From the chart, we can see that there are more male participants in the survey.

3 third/fourth grade students, 5 fifth/sixth grade students, 7 junior high school students, 9 senior high school students, 2 technical college students, 18 university students, 1 master's degree student, 48 working adults


We can see from the chart that the majority of survey participants are working adults.

*Have you ever learned a musical instrument?

34 people have never learned a musical instrument, 43 people have learned a musical instrument, 16 people have learned a Beiguan instrument
From the chart, we can see that out of the survey participants, 59 people have learned a musical instrument– including 16 who have learned a Beiguan instrument– and 34 who have never learned a musical instrument.

Have you ever heard of Beiguan music?

Yes: 91 people, No: 2 people
From the chart, we can see that an overwhelming 97.8% of survey participants have heard of Beiguan music, with only 2.2% of participants who haven't. We believe that Beiguan music is an essential part of Taiwanese folk culture and Taiwan? Changhua? who has been effective in its promotion.

What kind of feeling does Beiguan music evoke in you?

Excitement: 79 people, Serenity: 8 people, Elegance: 19 people, Happiness: 1 person, Don't know: 1 person
From the chart, we can see that the majority of survey participants–79 people–felt that Beiguan music was exciting. 19 people found it to be elegant, 8 people felt it was serene, and 1 person felt happy. One person didn't know. Beiguan music features many martial instruments and may not be considered serene. Those who felt it was serene may have mistaken Beiguan music for other forms of traditional music, such as Chinese classical music or Nanguan music.

Which Beiguan guilds have you heard of in the Changhua area?

Yujing Yuan : 50 people, Fongli Yuan : 53 people, Lichun Yuan: 55 people, Jile Xuan: 20 people, Liying Society: 41 people, Rongle Xuan: 10 people, Lifang Yuan: 22 people
From the chart, we can see that Lichun Yuan is the most well-known Beiguan guild, likely due to its status as a national-level preservation group. Additionally, due to geographical proximity, Fongli Yuan(53 people) and Yujing Yuan(50 people) in Dongshan are also known. Liying Society (41 people), a literary organization affiliated with the Nan Yao Temple, is also recognized by 41 people. Other guilds may be less well-known as they are primarily only seen during performances.

Where do you think the stronghold of Taiwanese Beiguan music is?

From the chart, it can be seen that Changhua is the most well-known stronghold of Beiguan music in Taiwan, as evidenced by the Museum of Traditional Nan Bei Music and Theatre in Changhua County. Additionally, Changhua has the most Beiguan music clubs, with 77.4% of respondents correctly answering the question. Yilan's Beiguan Gezaixi is also well-known, with 12 respondents considering it a stronghold, while the other options received fewer responses.

Which deity do you think most Beiguan artists worship?

Most people who study Beiguan worship either the Marshal Tian Dou or the Prince of West Qin. From the chart, it can be seen that most people answered correctly, but a significant number of respondents also answered incorrectly, particularly the 28% who chose Mazu. We suspect this may be because Mazu is worshipped in the Dongshan Zhun’an Temple. Therefore, Mazu is well-known to residents of Dongshan, and when they answered the questionnaire, they intuitively believed that Beiguan musicians worship Mazu.

What is the most appealing aspect of Beiguan music to you?

From the chart, it can be seen that the most appealing aspect of Beiguan music to respondents is its preservation of traditional culture, with 75.3% choosing this option, followed by 67.7% for inheritance and promotion. 18.3% believe that Beiguan music can evoke early memories, while 5.4% consider it to be practical. Most people believe that Beiguan music belongs to traditional culture and that it needs to be well-preserved.

What do you think are effective ways to preserve or promote the traditional music of Beiguan?

Recording and releasing works performed in famous theaters and pavilions - 20 people; Establishing Beiguan music clubs at schools or in the community - 42 people; Participating in folk festivals and exhibitions - 78 people.  

From the chart, we can see that 78 people, or 83.9% of respondents, believe that participating in folk festivals and exhibitions is an effective way to preserve and promote the traditional music of Beiguan. 42 people, or 45.2% of respondents, believe that establishing Beiguan music clubs at schools or in the community is an effective way to achieve this goal.

From these results, we can see that folk festivals and exhibitions can bring Beiguan music to the streets and allow more people to hear and appreciate it, which can help promote and preserve the traditional music. In addition, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Changhua County is actively promoting the establishment of Beiguan music clubs in schools to preserve the culture and essence of Beiguan music and to encourage more people to learn and appreciate it.  
