The Junyi Survey>Questionnaire Survey2
Questionnaire Survey 2
4.Do you think the extending the reach of Junyi is important to the underprivileged?
□Very important    □Important      □neutral    □Irrelevant     □Very irrelevant
      The number of “Very important” and “Important” responses account for over 80% of the total responses.  Only a small percentage of them think that doing so is irrelevant.  The result indicates that the pupils support Junyi in reaching out to help the underprivileged.
5.In which area should the Junyi platform improve?(multiple answers are allowed)
□Reduce the number of wrong questions             □Hold more contests
□The video can be more lively and vivid             □Animation should be added
□Online teacher who feedbacks to questions       
□Enrich the social networking functions
□Enrich the content to cover other subjects than mathematics
     The most popular answer is “Enrich the content to cover other subjects than mathematics”.  We were surprised.  It indicates that pupils expect more assistance for other subjects too.  Also, both more contests and animation do take sizeable percentages among the responses.
6.If we ignore other factors, do you like Junyi mathematics?
□I like it very much       □I like it      □Neutral     □I don’t like it     □I dislike it
      The total number of “I like it very much” and “I like it” is 79 which is over 70% of the total responses.  I can simply say that Junyi is very popular.

7.If you support the vision of Junyi in helping the underprivileged in learning, what would you do to help Junyi in realizing the vision?(multiple answers are allowed)
□Donation           □Take part in the Junyi charity sale
□Get online more often for Junyi mathematics
□Invite friends and classmates to take part in the Junyi mathematics
□Take part in Junyi’s activities
□Provide Junyi with suggestions and feedback
     The analysis result shows that most schoolmates choose to support Junyi by getting online and inviting others to Junyi. 
8.How much time do you spend on the Junyi platform everyday?
□More than 1 hour    □30 to 60 minutes     □15 to 30 minutes    
□Below 15 minutes    □No regular pattern    □Not often.  Occasional only
       The popular answer is “No regular pattern”.   We believe that children are occupied with all sorts of activities.  The 2nd popular answer is “30 to 60 minutes”.  It seems that some of us have made it a habit already.  Hopefully more of us would change from “No regular pattern” to regular usage in the future.