My name is Shih-You Huang.
I was born on Jan 23, 2009. I am ten years old.
We found that the Junyi crew members are all high
people. I supposed they had straight forwards academic
years. How did they spot the problem in education? What are
problems? Why is the Junyi platform a solution? How
children does the platform help? Having run for so many
what are the problems that cannot be solved with the Junyi platform?
I wish we can uncover the answer to these all
questions. In addition to the knowledge about Junyi, we may
be able to suggest better solution than the Junyi platform.
My name is Chung-Hsiang
Tai. I was born on Nov 6, 2008. I am ten years
E-mail: 104046@caps.tp.edu.tw
Why did we picked this theme? I believe
it was
because we are the children of the current internet age and Junyi
delivers its services over the Internet. The Junyi education
platform gets those who dislike studying, especially mathematics, back
on the right track. Mathematics is not a favourite subject
many children. The Content Development team started with
Mathematics. The Junyi platform awards children who make
in terms of experience index, mission accomplishment, Proficiency
rating with medallions, Energy Points, Proficiency rating elevation and
icons. It enables stronger motive and
My name is Yung-Cheng
Chang. I was born on Seb 30, 2008. I am ten
years old.
I think a lot of children in the rural areas lack
a good
education environment. As soon as these children have
or handphones at home, they can download software for
self-learning. There are a lot of resources on the Junyi
as well as interesting videos. I am a frequent user
I post question on the platform if I am stuck. Pupil who has
completed the assigned modules can proceed further to get ahead of the
schedule. It is superb.
My name is Xin-Mi Hsu.
I was born on May 5, 2009. I am nine years old.
We were disorganized and in chaos at
the beginning
of the research project. As time went on, we begin
to gain
momentum. We learned quite a lot of things including
segregation of work, dealing with different opinions
We’ve tried hard to make this team work and make this a winning
team. We can accomplish this. I wish I can finish
assigned tasks on time without holding the team back.
My name is Yu-Fei Chou.I
was born on Jun 14, 2009. I am ten years old.
Our research project is about the motives and
behind the establishment of the platform; why the team set up an online
learning platform instead of a tutoring class; ideal model of
education; necessary resources for the platform; border of the
vision. We’ve dug up information on the internet and a 5-year
anniversary retrospect to get a complete picture of the early stages of
establishment, current operation conditions and the way forward.
My name is Hao-Ching Chih.I
was born on Jan 2, 2009. I am ten years old.
Our biggest questions center around
Junyi. Why our
teachers always speak of Junyi on the stage? Why does a
non-profit organization want to set up an open learning
Free-of-charge usage for 5 years? I want to know why Ms
Shu-Chuang Chiang devoted time and energy to rollout the Junyi
platform. All these questions have driven me to pursue this
research project.