The Junyi Survey>Questionnaire editing process
Questionnaire editing process
Drawing up the questionnaire
       Before composing the questionnaire, we had to identify the target audience.  Since most pupils start to use the Junyi platform at Grade 3, we decided to target Grade 3 to Grade 6 pupils.  We also had to collect basic information such as sex and grade.
      We used Google worksheet as the tool for the questionnaire based survey.  To avoid repeated collection, class number and seat number were used as identifiers.
Questionnaire editing process Questionnaire editing process2
        A draft of the questions was developed.  Having discussed within the team, we submitted to resulting questions to our teacher who gave us advices and guidance.  We decided that the questionnaire should adhere to the theme and general code of ethic for research.  The result should reflect the real inclination of our schoolmates, their suggestions and usage patterns.  The questionnaire was supposed to lead us to the answers.
       The survey was performed while we conducted the 3 programs.  The participants filled out the questionnaire on tablets while the rest of the school filled out paper based questionnaires.
Questionnaire for the study “Borderless Learning-Roaming the Junyi Sky”
        The questionnaire aimed at collecting information regarding our schoolmates’ awareness of Junyi and their usage patterns.
      Please feel free to give us your view.  Your support will make the result more reliable.  Thank you for your help.

Gifted Children Class, Changan Elementary School, Taipei City
24th October 2017
Phone number:02-25617600
A.Basic Information
Sex:    □Male    □Female
Grade:    □Grade 6 □Grade 5 □Grade 4 □Grade 3
B.Platform usage pattern
1.For how long have you known, taken part in Junyi’s online service?
□Less than a month  □less than 6 months  □less than a year 
□longer than 2 years  □longer than 3 years
2.Why do you take part in the learning activities of Junyi? (multiple answers are allowed)
□Solely for fun because Junyi is entertaining 
□To improve my mathematics grade

□Encouragement of Our school and teachers
□Encouragement of my parents

3.What is the advantage of using Junyi? (multiple answers are allowed)
□Improve abilities in mathematics    □Effective use of leisure hours
□Personal learning tempo                  □Junyi makes mathematics easy and fun
□get to collect medallions and Energy Points      □Anytime and anywhere
4.Do you think the extending the reach of Junyi is important to the underprivileged?
□Very important    □Important      □neutral    □Irrelevant     □Very irrelevant
5.In which area should the Junyi platform improve?(multiple answers are allowed)
□Reduce the number of wrong questions             □Hold more contests
□The video can be more lively and vivid             □Animation should be added
□Online teacher who feedbacks to questions       
□Enrich the social networking functions

□Enrich the content to cover other subjects than mathematics
6.If we ignore other factors, do you like Junyi mathematics?
□I like it very much       □I like it      □Neutral     □I don’t like it     □I dislike it
7.If you support the vision of Junyi in helping the underprivileged in learning, what would you do to help Junyi in realizing the vision?(multiple answers are allowed)
□Donation           □Take part in the Junyi charity sale
□Get online more often for Junyi mathematics
□Invite friends and classmates to take part in the Junyi mathematics
□Take part in Junyi’s activities
□Provide Junyi with suggestions and feedback
8.How much time do you spend on the Junyi platform everyday?
□More than 1 hour    □30 to 60 minutes     □15 to 30 minutes    
□Below 15 minutes    □No regular pattern    □Not often.  Occasional only