The Junyi Survey>Questionnaire Survey1
Questionnaire Survey1
       100% of the issued 116 questionnaires were collection.  One of them was considered invalid.  The result of the analysis is shown below.
A.Basic Information
Sex:    □Male    □Female
Grade:    □Grade6 □Grade 5 □Grade 4 □Grade 3
      Analysis based upon sex and age:  there were 53 boys and 63 girls.  We initially wanted to keep difference the number of response from both sexes within 3 to 6.  It turned out to be a larger number, even though the total number of responders was large enough.  Each sex was supposed to take 50%.  If we were to do it again, we should take an even bigger sample.
        Due to the limited period of time, we barely have the time to ask Grade 5 and 6 to fill out the questionnaire.  We could do it only after between lessons.  It took us quite some time and effort to obtain 25 responses from Grade 5 and 27 responses from Grade 6.  That was a real accomplishment.  We initially wanted to obtain equal number of responses from each relevant grade.  Anyway, the associated difficulty was anticipated.
B.Platform usage pattern
1.For how long have you known, taken part in Junyi’s online service?
□Less than a month  □less than 6 months  □less than a year 
□longer than 2 years  □longer than 3 years
      Most responders selected “Less than a month”.  Our schoolmates have started using the Junyi service since Grade 3.  All the Grade 3 responders naturally selected “Less than a month” in their response.  However, the number of such responses exceeded the total number of Grade 3 responders.  That means Junyi is also new to some Grade 4 and 5 pupils.  This is another area where the Junyi team has to focus.
2.Why do you take part in the learning activities of Junyi? (multiple answers are allowed)
□Solely for fun because Junyi is entertaining 
□To improve my mathematics grade
□Encouragement of Our school and teachers
□Encouragement of my parents
      The result of the analysis reveals that most of them do it for fun or better grades.  A smaller percentage do it for the reason of encouragement.  This infers that pupils love Junyi. 
3.What is the advantage of using Junyi?? (multiple answers are allowed)
□Improve abilities in mathematics    □Effective use of leisure hours
□Personal learning tempo                  □Junyi makes mathematics easy and fun
□get to collect medallions and Energy Points      □Anytime and anywhere
       “Improve abilities in mathematics” substantially exceeded other answers in terms of responses.  Obviously, most schoolmates consider Junyi effective in improving mathematics grades.