


¡i Dajia River Hydroelectric Power Plant Manager ¡j ¡i Docent of Taipower Exhibit Center in Northern Taiwan ¡j
 ¡i The Director of Nuclear Power Plant 1 ¡j ¡i Wind Power Patrolman ¡j ¡i Thermal Power Boiler Director ¡j¡i Substation Maintenance ¡j
¡i Power Saving Promotion Staff in North District ¡j ¡i Director of Power Distribution ¡j ¡i Taipower Spokesman ¡j

We investigated the workers of different units about working experience and content so that we could understand Taiwan Power Company more.

Power Saving Promotion Staff in North District
Interview¡GTa-Yeh Chen
Date¡GDecember 22nd, 2018
Place¡GTaipei North Service Office in Taiwan Power Company

Interviewing Mr. Chen

Promoting power saving on holiday

Q1: Could you tell us your title, work experience and content?
A1: I have been Electricity Technical Service Specialist in Taipower for 17 years. My job is to promote the power saving and electrical safety, to visit the high voltage customer, and to offer the service of reducing the use of electricity.
Q2: How did you get into Taiwan Power Company? What qualifications or expertise do you have?
A2: I passed the entrance exam of Taipower distribution service training class in 2001. I was assigned to Taipei after I finished half-year power distribution skills training in Kaohsiung. As long as you graduate from the university or college, then you can take the entrance exam related to Electrical Engineering. It is also a bonus if you have any related certificates.
Q3: Is there any risk around your working place? If so, how do you reduce risks?
A3: I am responsible for promotion. My job is that promote how to save power and how to use power safely in front of the public in the classroom and meeting room mainly. Sometimes, I go out to set stands to promote. I also go to visit some high voltage customers to explain the ways how to save power such as encouraging them reduce power in peak hour. Hopefully, creating a win-win situation will not only reduce electricity bills, but also save energy and reduce carbon emissions.
Q4: What is the high voltage customer?
A4: Taipower system is divided into three parts, including power generation, transmission and distribution. The power generation is transmitted to the substation from the power plant through the transmission line 345 kV or 161kV, the voltage is reduced to 69kV, and then stepped down to the distribution system 11 kV /22 kV. Therefore, the high voltage system is over 11kV. In terms of power consumption, high-voltage users account for more than 50% of the total electricity consumption of the whole station. The high voltage customers like the cement industry and the steel industry use a lot of electricity.
Q5: What is the challenge when working? How do you dealt with it?
A5: The most important thing is that make them understand how to reduce power. It must be planned and adjusted to improve equipment efficiency because some of the user's equipment cannot stop using electricity immediately. The users need to consider the budget, on-site fit, production, and time allocation issues. And it is hard to coordinate with electricity using from the peak time to off-peak time. Therefore, when we are advocating, the biggest challenge is to make every user willing to cooperate to reduce electricity consumption.
Q6: What is your sense of accomplishment during work? Why?
A6: Persuading the users reduce power successfully with our profession and patience. That is the biggest sense of accomplishment to me because it is win-win to Taipower and users.
Q7: Taipower Building has won the Green Building Award. Is there any power-saving facility in Taipei North Service Office?
A7: In the future, we will install solar panels on the roof of the new building in Guandu, and rainwater recycling can be used to water the flowers. The air-con system uses a variable frequency device to save power, and the air-con filter is cleaned regularly. There is an infrared sensor at the entrance of the restroom, which can automatically turn off the light to avoid the waste of energy. The passage of the external window has an automatic deactivating device, which is turned on after the sky is dark. It can reduce the electricity consumption.
Q8: Does Taiwan Power Company require the employee to save power in practice?
A8: Of course, we must lead by example. We have a power-saving group which is composed of the director and various department managers. For example, at the time of getting off work, the person who in charge turned off the electrical equipment and someone checked regularly whether the unused electrical appliances or extension cord switches were turned off in time. Taiwan Power Company holds the event that if we reduce the electricity consumption, we can get the feedback of the electricity fee. It is also a way to do our best to stop global warming.



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