
Activity Record ¢@ School Activity

¡· Preparation

The anniversary of Shilin Junior High School finally arrives!
Besides the sports game, the most anticipated activity is the school carnival. In the carnival, students from different classes set up booths to sell snacks or things, promote certain topics, or entertain people.
Our science club members set up the booth for promotion of our project, ¡§Energy conservation¡¨ and ¡§Safety tips¡¨. We designed two posters. One is the introduction of saving power and consuming power, while the other one is a list of details to alert everyone how to use power. To make the posters, we read several books, searched for information on the topic, and organized the photos and documents of our interviews. We also designed five true or false questions and check which they have done to save power in our questionnaire to know visitors¡¦ comprehension on our topic. To draw more people¡¦s attention, we provided coupons as prizes from the sponsor, our School Store. We arranged tasks for teammates the day before the school anniversary.

¡· School Anniversary
In the School Anniversary, November 10, we met each other in the computer lab. In our booth, we arranged desks and chairs for our visitors. Although it rained in the beginning of that day, we did not only protect our poster from rain, but also design a convenient route for visitors. A huge sea of people consisted of students, teachers, parents, schoolmates and visitors gave us great opportunities to promote our project. We distributed different tasks among teammates. Some invited people to our booth, some explained our topic to guests, some spread questionnaires and collected them, and the others gave coupons and gifts to our respondents. In the very beginning, we were shy, so we started our introduction to teachers and classmates. The help from teammates were so important because we got hundreds of visitors. We gathered club members from the seventh graders to ninth graders, and our project was quite popular. All of the questionnaires were completed and no coupon was left. We were satisfied with this great success.

Moving our posters

Setting up our booth

Students filled up the questionnaires

Visitors filled up the questionnaires.

Our principal came to participate in the power saving declaration.

Our teacher came to participate in the power saving declaration.

Visitors came to participate in the power saving declaration.

Students also came to participate in the power saving declaration

Collecting questionnaires

Giving coupons to our respondents

The graduated senior also came back to support us

We accomplished the task

The results of questionnaires
In the School Anniversary, we collected 186 questionnaires. The following showed our results.

Identity of respondents
70%: Shilin Junior High School Students
17%: Visitors, like local residents, schoolmates
11%: Teachers  ,   2%: Parents

Q1: Can we use a variety of appliances in the extension cord at the same time?
98¢H got the correct answer,¡§No¡¨.
2% got the wrong answer,¡§Yes¡¨.

Q2: Is it unsafe to use the phone when charging?
94% got the correct answer,¡§Yes¡¨.
6% got the wrong answer,¡§No¡¨.

Q3: Is it better to use the washing machine every day?
91% got the correct answer,¡§No¡¨.
9% got the wrong answer,¡§Yes¡¨.

Q4: Should you pull the plug of the unused appliances?
98% got the correct answer,¡§Yes¡¨.
2% got the wrong answer,¡§No¡¨.

Q5: Does keeping a fridge full significantly help save energy?
98% got the correct answer,¡§No¡¨.
2% got the wrong answer,¡§Yes¡¨.

According to our survey, most people do several methods to save energy.

The huge crowd came to our booth, listened to our elaboration and filled in the questionnaires. The success made us feel a great sense of achievement. At first, we didn¡¦t know how to invite them to our booth, and this experience also improved our ability of introducing. After the anniversary, we analyzed our questionnaires by statistics, the computer software Excel and discussion under teachers¡¦ guide for three classes.
Our promotion is quite successful because most of the people acquired useful knowledge after our elaboration. According to the result, more and more people have a clear understanding about how to save power and consume power as well. It was very popular because we got more people than we imagined participating in the petition activities. In our preparation, all of the teammates knew better about energy and power, and we also gained the ability of poster making and how to analyze questionnaires by statistics.



© 2018¡ã2019 Taipei Municipal Shilin Junior High school