Activity Record \ Reviews

Huang, Yi-Kai

I am very interested in this project. The visit to the Taipower Building impressed me most. In the Smart Grid Exhibition Hall, not only did the docents introduce the power supply and the prospect with interesting videos and subtle models; but they also provided us to experience the power generation and dispatch with games. Moreover, they answered us all kinds of questions in a friendly way. We finally realized the importance of power and we should cherish hard-won electricity in our daily life.

Lin, Wei-Jen

Taipower Company is historical and is the main place where generates cheap and useful electricity in Taiwan. While I was doing this research project, I knew that there are no perfect energy resources in the world. Every power generation method has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the power is indispensible and is impossible to get without paying the price, all we can do is save power at all times.

Weng, Chao-Hung

I was very impressed by the visit to the Beitou Training Center where the Taipower maintenance staff are trained to carry out the high-risk maintenace work. In ordinary time, the hard-working maintenance staff need to ensure the safety and stability of power supply. Moreover, when the typhoon leads to the power outage, they even have to try their best to restore power in the storm. We really appreciate their hard work and effort.

Yu, Yu-Wen

Visiting Xinbeitou Taipower maintenance training center left a deep impression on me. We watched the maintenance electricians climb up to the top of electric pole and down. They must overcome the fear of height to carry out the high-risk maintenance work. Because of their efforts in silence, we can have such a covenient life. We should show great respect for these unsung heroes.

Chen, Pei-Hsuan

Visiting Taipower Exhibit Center in Northern Taiwan is very interesting. I enjoyed various game experiences of renewable energy, like tidal power and wave power. Besides, I didn’t know the history of power until I heard the docent’s guided tour. I also interviewed a couple of Taipower staff and realized how hard-working they are. Finally, I learnt that while we enjoy the convenience of electricity, we should put much emphasis on the power saving and pollution reduction. I’m very happy that I could join this project, and I got much benefit from it.

Chen, Yi-Tsen

In order to collect information related to our research project, we visited Taipower Exhibition Center, many plants and electricity substations. The activity I like most was the visit to Beitou Training Center where I understood how the maintenance electricians are trained and how hard-working they are. We even experienced climbing up the electric poles just like the maintenance staff did. But, to say is one thing, and to do is another. After the first-hand experience, I eventually realized that the maintenance work is actually a difficult task.

Huang, Jing-Yun

In the process of doing this project, the most impressive activity to me was to promote how to save power and introduce the electricity safety knowledge to everyone during School Anniversary. I spent my break time on collecting information and designing the promotion poster. After knowing the situation of low power supply in Taiwan and Taipower staff’s hard work, I think I have responsibility to share the correct knowledge of household electricity usage with family, friends, and even other strangers and hope more and more people understand the importance of energy to cherish hard-won electricity in the daily life.

Sung, Po-Hung

I’ve learned a lot about the power saving and the electricity safety knowledge since I joined this research project. I also got to know the development of Taiwan’s electric power industry when visiting Taipower Exhibition Center. While interviewing Taipower staff, I understood their hard work and challenges deeply. Especially when typhoons cause the power outage, they have to restore power in the storm. I really appreciate them. Because of their hard work, we can enjoy the convenience of electricity.

Lin, Xiao-Ni

I was impressed by the guided tour of Shihmen Wind Power Station. It was the first time I was so close to a wind turbine which is like a huge fan. I got very excited as soon as I walked into it. Through the process of doing this project, I’ve got much new knowledge about the power generation. In addition, after visiting various power plants and the direct experiences, I deeply realized that we could enjoy a convenient power supply because of the effort from a group of people in silence.

Shen, Yu-Ting

I knew nothing about Taiwan’s energy before doing this project. However, after the visits to different power plants, experience events, interviews with related persons and data collecting and compaction, I gradually understood that electricity is so important and essential in our daily life. For the prospect of sustainable development, Taipower has been working on solving the situation of low power supply, and developing renewable energy. Meanwhile, they also have been trying to reduce environmental pollution. I feel so grateful for their efforts. Overall, electricity or energy is not easy to come by, what we can do is try our best to use power efficiently and safely.




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