Introduction History Interview Ecosystem Pollution Water Testing Practical Action Prospect


>>The Upper Area of Downstream

A. The Current Situation of This Area

This area is the top of Zhuwei delta. When Plum Tree Creek flows through this area, flow rate becomes slower. The river is covered by cement on the top which is around 800 meters long. While river flows into culvert, it is polluted lightly. However, after it flows through culvert, water quality turns into contaminated and smells bad. According to our observation and interview with locals, it is may polluted by livestock wastewater discharged from the pig farms that are away from Plum Tree Creek less than 50 meters. However, the river is contaminated severely that is beyond our imagination. Water flowing through culvert is dirty and is found bloodworm inside. Bloodworm is the biological indicator of water quality deterioration which shows that Plum Tree Creek is contaminated severely.

B. The Current Situation of Pollution and Problems  

Pollution problems found now are covered by cement, wastewater from pig farm and pesticide contamination. Furthermore, if river is blocked, it may cause flood. This area is contaminated severely. According to our observation, there is a pig farm on the each side of Plum Tree Creek. Wastewater is discharged into the river directly without purification that causes severely contamination. The river is black brown and with stench.

C. Our Solution

a) Plum Tree Creek is covered by cement on the top which makes it dark. We suggest removing covers so that sunshine can get in and ecology will recover.

b) To deal with the problems made by pig farms, we suggest inspecting wastewater discharging standards of pig farms periodically and banning strictly. In addition, tutoring pig farmers setting up sewage disposal system to reduce the pollution of river.


Sheng-Xiong Zeng, Ding-Min Tu, Zu-Ting Wu, Yu-Qian Gong.(2013) "樹梅坑溪污染調查與未來願景"

Entrance of culvert
Exit of culvert
Water around the culvert is smelly
Organism couldn’t grow here