Click on the “Course” button and
select the school
grade to open up your exercises. Upon completion, you shall
obtain Energy Points, a luck draw. If you are lucky, you may
a foxycat. The Energy Point system is a motivation for
children. A child gets Energy Points by watching videos and
answering questions. Upon reaching specific bar, he can
the point for personal icons. He can choose icons from the
collection, the Jimmy S.P.A. collection and the Foxycat
There are basic, scarce, rare, very rare to legendary icons and even
never-recorded-before icons in the Foxycat series. Children
Through accumulation of Energy Points
and assigned
missions, a child shall obtain medallions which symbolize his
achievement in learning. He can show others his medallion
collection. To continually motivate his group, a teacher can
and schedule contests and rewards that comprises Energy Points and real
rewards. There are Meteorite medallion, Moon medallion, Earth
medallion, Sun medallion and Blackhole medallion of which each has its