Animation design
Use SCRATCH~ Introduce what is~

LNX likes~


How to let more people play this.
How does LNX play?~

Need to add water
It’s amazing

Sure enough, it is very violent.
Mold with 3D printing~

Take a photo of the trial process~


Use SCRATCH to explain LNX

Today, we discussed the script of The Auntie Tiger and played the puppets we made. Although we felt that the performance time was too long, we changed to introduce the puppet in the experience course. However, our team members are still very powerful. The SCRATCH program is designed to be animated.

After that, we also felt that this kind of animation can be used to introduce the process and experience of our contact with LNX. The teacher praised us for being very creative and very capable. The skills of the former senior sister to make animations are not so powerful.

Making a puppet show with SCRATCH
鹿港鎮鹿東國小 本是「羅黏香」~消失何太急 小組© copyright 2019
Lukang Town Ludong Elementary School
"The Disappearing Scent"