LNX Rediscovered

"Play” is the essential part in childhood, and it is also the gift that people should not lose. Choosing children’s toys can be a serious headache for eco-minded parents.

Some people are more hardcore than others when it comes to defining eco-friendly; I have looked for products that are made from sustainable and/ or organic and non-toxic materials, and that are built to last – nothing that ends up in landfill within months can be that great for the planet.

Composition came into widespread use, as a material primarily for puppetmaking, during the 1950s. Puppeteers, both professionals and hobbyists, have used varying recipes made from wood and sawdust for years, long before the widespread availability and use of plastic-based materials. Xu Zhixiong is enjoying somewhat of a renaissance, as it is becoming clearly evident that resins, fiberglass, latex rubber and other such artificial substances are harmful to not only the craftsman, but the environment as well. Pulped composition provides a very satisfactory solution. It is an exciting, versatile medium., When wet, it is like clay. It can be pressed into molds or modelled over an armature. When dry, it has many of the properties of wood. It can be rasped, sanded and carved. Unlike clay, it does not require firing or baking. It is also lightweight, and has a very long life span.

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Lukang Town Ludong Elementary School
"The Disappearing Scent"