Puppet show leads the trend

Glove puppetry (Chinese: 布袋戲) is a type of opera using cloth puppets that originated during the 17th century in Quanzhou or Zhangzhou of China's Fujian province, and historically practised in the Min Nan-speaking areas such as Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, the Chao-shan region of Guangdong, and other parts of southern China. It had since established itself contemporarily as a popular art form in Taiwan.

The puppet's head uses wood carved into the shape of a hollow human head, but aside from the head, palms, and feet, which are made of wood, the puppet's torso and limbs consist entirely of cloth costumes. At the time of the performance, a gloved hand enters the puppet's costume and makes it perform. In previous years the puppets used in this type of performance strongly resembled "cloth sacks," hence the name, which literally means "cloth bag opera."

Glove puppetry is most popular in Taiwan and amomg all the Chinese-speaking countries. In the 1970s, Scholarly Warrior, produced by Huang Jun-Xiong, created a blast and received record high TV ratings in Taiwan.

Scholarly Warrior was broadcast from 12:30pm to 1:00 pm. You would find no traffic or passengers during this time every day. It caused a phenomenon in which workers, farmers, students and teachers skipped work and school. What’s more, even the province council assembly was cancelled. The whole country went nuts.

The children of the time not only watched the puppet show, but also imitated the puppet show in groups. Since the woodcarving play is not affordable for children, it was born in the " LNX".

"LNX" uses wood sawdust and Luonan veneer as the adhesive. Add water to a semi-solid, plus some spices, and some add a more expensive powder such as sandalwood or agarwood to enhance the aroma.

Historic toys, LNX puppetries and playthings of all kinds are of great interest to us.Dolls in particular, are one of the oldest types of children’s toys that can be documented. Small human toy figures have been found in Ancient Egyptian and Roman graves and archaeological sites. Doll play is a natural part of child development throughout time and children will often create their own simple figures to play with from rags, clay, straw or whatever materials are available to them.

LNX puppets sneaked down with the decline of traditional puppet shows, and now only occasionally see it in folk art booths.Teacher HSU,CHIH-HSIUNG, in view of the loss of this skill, will spend a lot of time and painstakingly manage this craft, hoping that future generations will be able to see this light and environmentally friendly puppet, and even come to our school to teach and promote teaching.

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Lukang Town Ludong Elementary School
"The Disappearing Scent"