LNX sachets material-use the mold to copy a lot of schets

Use the mold to copy thousands of shapes!


Incense has been used during formal and religious ceremonies since ancient times. The material of LNX is derived from the incense of the incense. The characteristics of the fragrance are the most natural and healthy fragrance. Like the incense stick, it is the bamboo that will be used as the fragrance, and the powder of the natural bark powder. Since the sticky powder can be sticky after being wetted, the master will need to repeat the steps of soaking water, spreading incense, musk, and cutting incense, so that each fragrance can be evenly mixed with the powder, and then the fragrance is To help the fragrant feet dye red, etc., complete the two-day round of fragrant steps.

The bamboo, sticky powder and fragrant powder used in the process are all made of natural bamboo and trees. The traditional scent method can be preserved to produce a healthy and environmentally friendly fragrance.

Sawdust and the powder of the natural bark powder molding of the "LNX"'s face .in a concrete mold.Since the sticky powder can be sticky after being wetted. The pulp method of making LNX mache, although it involves a little more preparation work he powder of the natural bark powder, has some major advantages. Because there is only one main stage in the production procedure, the object needs drying only once. It also allows for direct modelling, whereas the layered method indicates a need for a sculpture to be layered over. It is suitable for both "one-offs" and mass-production work.


The ancient sachet has been used for more than 50 years!

鹿港鎮鹿東國小 本是「羅黏香」~消失何太急 小組© copyright 2019
Lukang Town Ludong Elementary School
"The Disappearing Scent"