Dr.TF Wu

Motivation : My father excepted me to inherit his career as a doctor, yet I had not encountered too much pressure since I only got half-day school with plenty of leisure time. After entering high school, I was so confused by the way they teach so I decided to demonstrate by resisting the entrance test. I study in my way, paying off for another year taking the test but looking back now, I am sure it worth my courage.

Family incentive : My father is a physician who would like to see me as a physician, yet I will not recommend my child to be a physician since it is too tough.


Expertise: Ophthalmology. I got top grades in surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics in graduation . I embarked on ophthalmology cause I scored best . After entering medical community, I started to feel the lack of fundamentals in my own subject, so I spent almost 18 hours in the hospital learning then.


Unforgettable experience:

After graduating from medical school, I had been trained at SightFirst Camp held by WHO and Lions Club, dedicated to the prevention of minor blindness.


I tried to assist government on policies and prevention of blindness program, advocating NGOs to pay attention to the problem of the blinds or visually impaired. I currently focus on minor blindness measures cause the more people with high myopia, the more they will have been blind.


Delight and Service : I assist the Bureau of Social Affairs on social workers training while two years in charge of the National Youth Corps captain instructor, and have held hiking events in the mountains as well as local community service in eastern Taiwan.


Depression :

The experience I gained outdoors exceeded that in classed, which I had the opportunity to reflect alone, to realize the meaning of life noticing birth and death in hospital.



