Dr.MS Hsieh

Motivation for becoming a doctor:

During the time I was in Jianguo High School, because of’’’Single pipeline to university’’’’, many family want to reverse their stage, and mine is no exception;besides, the profession of doctor was very prestigious at that time, so I desided to become a physician. At first, I was admitted to the NTU School of Dentistry of the College of Medicine, which was the first wish then. However, because wanting to understand more regions of ‘’’’the NTU College of Medicine’’’’’, so I remain my recognized status as a senior high school student and then enrolling in ‘’’’’the NTU School of Medicine’’’’’ the next year.


Motivation for engaging in advanced study:

Different from Europe and America, in parts of Aisa, people consider that physician not only ought to treat disease but also research. In addition, enrolling in advanced study makes it more convenient to release essays. To sum up, all that I mention above let me engage in advanced studies.


Motivation for deciding to study psychiatry:

On the grounds that network environment was not universal in early time, I could absorb knowledge merely through books and CDs. Moreover, my sense of spacing isn’t good enough, which make my command of three-dimensional structure of organs inferior. I also don’t have interest in that kind of region, but like to research into brain and spirit, talk with patients, and find out the cause of disease and learn from unexpected matters through the content of the talk. Hence, I choose to study psychiatry.


Family history:

There isn’t any senior study in medicine in family. His children aren’t willing to study in medicine.


Practice Unit:

National Taiwan University Hospital


The chief doctor of psychiatry department

1.Pharmacotherappy of mental disease

2.Forensic psychiatry



The common sense about psychiatry Dr.Hsieh share:

In department of psychiatry, different from what part of people image, we usually use medicine to control patients’ condition, and we also use medicine for short period, letting patients interact with others for long period to cure disease or stay in harmony with it. If the state of the illness turns worse or cannot be cured, it’s greatly probably that patient would take his own life.

Melancholy is ranked as number one in psychiatry department, it may be associated with hypertention, hyperglycaemia, and hypercholesterolemia and can be control by taking medicine.

As for dementia praecox, which appears frequently in novels or movies (for example, Life is beautiful, shutter island, and so on),it is caused by balanceless neurotransmitter; it tempts people to dream and leads to behavior like defence.

It’s communication techniques that is important in psychiatry department. Communicate with different kind of people as much as possible verbally or by body language.


Doctor's sweetness:

It’s irreplaceable sweetness that are significant contrast patients experienced before and after the long-term treatment and the thank from patient and his family member.


Doctor's bitterness:

Enrolling in a medical college needs to learn a lot of things by heart before you have the chance to utilize them. Many many things is needless for you but you still have to memorize all of them. What’s more, the educational environment in the past wasn’t convenient like now you can take advantage of three-dimensional technology. In early time, students in a medical college ought to carry bones to dormitory or home to research into; also, the colleges are deficient in glass-slide samples, so it makes students need to research in turn during midnight.

Being resident and intern doctor is also pretty hard because the medical system in Taiwan is quite different from that in American. The medical insurance system contributes to that hospital overemphasizes the quantity of patients, making doctor’s amount of work too great. However, the salary of doctor is constant. Owing to long hours of service and a pile of work, the time of accompanying family members like children or wife or husband correspondingly decrease.

Educational background:

Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School,

M.D., National Taiwan University

Insttitute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Doctor’s encouragement:

Explore your own interest and tendency and contact with distinct kinds of people and events as much as possible when you are in senior high school and university. If you still want to keep studying but not having any interest, just communicate with seniors or classmates more often and then think of your original intention and passion. If you really have lost the enthusiasm for some certain subjects, transfer your branch during fourteenth or fifteenth grade.
