HanGuang 'Full River of Red'-Vocal Parts Assignment


Vocal Parts Assignment

'Full River of Red' Vocal Parts Listen

Stanzas:(Chinese-English Reference)

Rage made my hair standing, passing through my cap. I leaned against the railing, the pouring rain had ceased.
G 駕長車踏破,賀蘭山缺!
Hope one day we may ride through the gap between He Lan Mountain!
B 抬望眼,仰天長嘯,壯懷激烈。
I looked up in the sky, shouting at the top of my lung, I wanted to do so much more for my country.
H 壯志飢餐胡虜肉,
Our hungry soldiers would eat the flesh of the northern barbarians.
C 三十功名塵與土,八千里路雲和月。
All the awards and recognition I got over the past thirty years turned into dirt, during which time I had traveled over 8,000 miles.
I 笑談渴飲匈奴血。
We would chat and quench our thirst with their blood.
D 莫等閑、白了少年頭,空悲切!
Do not waste our youth. Once we get old, we would end up feeling sorry for ourselves!
J 待從頭,
Wait until the day has come,
E 靖康恥,猶未雪。
We have yet to avenge for our emperors’ capture
K 收拾舊山河,
We would reclaim our lost land,
F 臣子恨,何時滅?
When is our hatred going to end?
L 朝天闕。
And march back to the imperial palace.

A Cappella Singing:

a:bu-chi-ke-chi-bu-ke-chi | b:bu-chi-ke-chi-bu-chi-ke-chi | c:bu-chi-ke-chi

  Lead1 Lead2 Bass Soprano1 Soprano2 VP Alto
Prelude     dm~ jen-ne den jen-ne den A jen-ne den
Part A   mmmmm~ du~ du~ a du~
Part B   mmmmm~ du~ du~ a du~
Part C   demdem~ ha~ ha~ a ha~
Part D   demdem~ ha~jen~ ha~jen~ a ha~jen~
Part E   demdem~ b
Part F   mmmmm~ ha~ ha~ b ha~
Part G   mmmmm~ du~ du~ b du
Part A   demdem~ demdem~ demdem~ a demdem~
Part B   demdem~ demdem~ demdem~ a demdem~
Part C   demdem~ demdem~ demdem~ a demdem~
Part D   demdem~ demdem~ demdem~ a demdem~
Part E   demdem~ b
Part F   demdem~ b
Part G   demdem~ da da b da
Part H   demdem~ jen-ne jen-ne c jen-ne
Part I   demdem~ jen-ne jen-ne c jen-ne
Part J   demdem~ jen-ne jen-ne c jen-ne
Part K   demdem~ jen-ne jen-ne c jen-ne
Part L demdem~ jen-ne jen-ne c jen-ne
Part E demdem~ woh woh b woh
Part F demdem~ du~ du~ b du~
Part G demdem~ ha~ ha~ b demdem~

Source: compiled by the Beautiful Voices │ Pictures: the Beautiful Voices