Campus Tour - Planning


After researching, interviewing, and seeing the performance of HanGuang Vocal Band, we can’t wait to share our findings on HanGuang Vocal Band with the teachers and students.
During our interview, we mentioned to Director Jerry Chu about inviting HanGuang Vocal Band to Yu-Tsai for a performance and were fortunate to get permission from the band. Therefore, before the band comes to school for a music fair, we decided to hold a "Yu-Tsai A Cappella Guided Tour". Our Cyberfair members are divided into three teams as guides, and our mission is to introduce "A Cappella" and "HanGuang Vocal Band" to our grades four and five students. Participating students also get a chance to vote for their favorite guide! Hence, every team worked hard to prepare for the event!

Activity Planning

Since it is our first time being guides on stage instead of being members of the audience, everyone began contemplating how to introduce "A Cappella" and "HanGuang Vocal Band" to the teachers and students.

Initial Planning

  • We started planning by listing key elements of the guided tour, and then we discussed how to introduce the activities in five minutes as instructed.

Group Discussion

  • Style of guided tour by teams
Through fun and humor to liven up the atmosphere.
Through Q&A with the students to draw attention.
Design creative posters to astound the crowd.

  • Ways to introduce a cappella
Play a cappella music for the students, and then start introducing key elements of a cappella.
Point out key points on the poster, and then sing and introduce a cappella.
One person will introduce a cappella on stage, and then when it comes to the key point, everyone will repeat the key point loudly with added gestures.

  • Ways to Introduce "HanGuang Vocal Band"
When it comes to introducing the key point, everyone will do some actions and emphasize them loudly.
Show the students clips of HanGuang Vocal Band's performances and then go to Q&A to introduce the band.
Point to key points on the poster and then introduce the band through Q&A.

  • Styles of Presentation
Take the song of ‘Little Donkey' and change the lyrics to repeat the key points of our guided tour while gaining votes from the students! There will be prizes given out with Q&A!
Turn our introduction on a cappella and HanGuang Vocal Band into a poster, and ask the students to sing with us.
With cute and eye-catching costumes, we will stress the keys points with actions in our introduction.

After rounds of discussions, every team seemed to have a consensus on how each of their presentation was going to be like. During rehearsal, we learned about everyone's strength. We strived to make our guided tours not only educations, but also fun.
During preparation, we explained to the principal, directors, and teachers of grades four and five beforehand about how the exhibition is planned and the scheduled viewing time for each class. We hoped to gain cooperation from teachers to make our guided tours proceed more smoothly.

Making Posters

Teach time made creative posters about "a cappella" and "HanGuang Vocal Band" to attract everyone's attention. We hoped the posters would make an impression with the students with our guided tours.

Text: the Beautiful Voices Compiled by Nicole |Pictures: the Beautiful Voices