Campus Tour - Team Two Exhibition


Team Description

  • Members: Vanilla, Apollo, Cherry, Samantha
  • Secret weapon: Two original songs to introduce a cappella and HanGuang Vocal Band.
  • Video:


Guided tour presentation flow design:
Poster design:
Presentation on a cappella:
Presentation on HanGuang Vocal Band:
MV selection:
Song design and lyrics:

Preparation Highlights

Preparation Afterthoughts



Through this event, I found that teamwork is really important. We got people responsible for drawing, song editing, guided tour, and poster making. If everyone can contribute, preparation work will be done quickly!



Preparing before the event starts is really important. I believe the better we are prepared, the less we have to worry about anything going wrong after the event starts. During our practice and rehearsal, although we had conflicting opinions about minor things, we eventually sorted out our differences and got the team back together and got the job done.



Before the official guided tour started, everyone on the team was busy setting up the exhibition. Even though I was responsible for the posters, my teammates helped me out, and that showed teamwork did make us more efficient.
Although the exhibition was very tiring, I felt it was a great experience for me to work so hard with all my teammates!



After the posters and props were ready, we started to get serious on rehearsing for guided tours, and we tried to make our guided tours creative. But after I saw Team Three’s rehearsal, I was taken by surprise because everyone on that team worked extremely hard, treating it like an actual guided tour. As a result, I got my game-face on and focused on rehearsing my part. Indeed, after rounds of practices, I got my lines down so well that I even helped out other teammates with their lines.

Flow of Guided Tour

Guided Tour Afterthoughts



When the event got started, everyone was shy, and our performances were too up tight. Therefore, I tried to bring my team out of it by livening up the atmosphere. My teammates responded to it, and we all got really hyped-up afterwards. After a few rounds of practices, we all got our parts down fairly well, and the team was in sync. When someone has forgotten a line, others would fill in right away!



It wasn’t all smooth sailing right from the beginning. It was like we were all drained out of energy. During the intermission, we got together with our teachers to revise our strategy, and it paid off. We were able to attract supports from the teachers and students. After this guided tour activity, I realized how difficult it must have been for pop stars to carry on performances one after another. After hours of singing and jumping, our feet and throats were sore. It was pretty tough.



Through this event, I was really happy to have a chance to host guided tours and learn how to give out a lively presentation. I have also learned some presentation skills from other teams. I think everyone performed well as a team, and this is also the reason that we won as teachers’ first choice!



During the a cappella guided tour, Team Three attracted a swarm of students voting for it, and this motivated us to give out all we got without reservation. It worked perfectly. We got more votes, even from Principal Pan, and this boosted our confidence tremendously! If we ever get another chance to design a similar event, we should add more interactions with the crowd to attract their attention.

Guided Tour Highlights

Text: the Beautiful Voices|Pictures: the Beautiful Voices|Video: Youtube