Campus Tour - A Cappella Exhibition


Exhibition Preparation

The long-awaited "Meeting A Cappella" finally arrived on the 19th of November!

  • How's the exhibition floor?
    Besides posters, boards, props, and voting area, we had to make sure the floor planning was smooth and all props were functioning properly.
  • How's the guided tour?
    After seeing the guided tour of each group, we exchanged opinions and provided some advices on how to make the guided tours better. We hoped every group would be able to deliver its best qualities during the show.

Show time!

We divided the students into three groups, and then each team would lead its students to the exhibition booth. In five minutes of guided tour, each team tried its best to introduce a cappella and HanGuang Vocal Band creatively. The exhibition hall was lit-up with enthusiasm. It was filled with voices of the guides, music by the band, and laughter from visiting teachers and students.
After finishing the guided tour from all three teams, everyone voted for his or her favorite team with a "LIKE" vote. The voting area was filled with people in an instant, and the teams did not forget to make a last-minute effort to win more votes. Each team had its good qualities, but which one was the crowd's favorite? Cast your vote with a click of the "LIKE" button!

Learning with the Beautiful Voices

  • "Learn About A Cappella"

1.A cappella originated in Italy. It was first performed in church singing. It is a form of church music in Europe.
2.A cappella was born because church music at that time was overly complicated, so this form of humming and singing was born, and it gradually transformed into the a cappella that we are familiar with nowadays.
3.Teacher Allegro Chu, Teacher Chen Yun-Hong, and Ms. Fong-Wen Chen are the pioneers in popularizing a cappella in Taiwan.
4.To explain it simply, a cappella in modern-days means pure vocal singing without any accompanying musical instruments. Even if there are imitations of musical instruments, they are done by mimicking through the mouth.

  • "Learn About HanGuang Vocal Band"

1.The band was formed in 2012. Although it is a young band, it has already gained abundant experiences in performing both locally and internationally.
2.It is Taiwan’s first a cappella group to integrate classical Chinese poetry with a cappella.
3.With a firm belief in social responsibility, the band is devoting all profits back to social cultural welfare.
4.It has performed on-stage with numerous internationally renown a cappella groups around the world, such as Sonic Suite from Germany, Ommm from France, and The Exchange from America.

And the Winner of Best Guided Tour is…

  • Students' Choice: Team 3
  • Teachers' Choice: Team 1 and Team 2

Words from Principal Pan


I would like to thank all those who took part in the Internet Expo for working so hard to make the guided tour a success. All three teams' performances were outstanding in its own way to demonstrate varying styles and contents. Ryan of Team One put on an excellent show with exaggerated facial expression and body action that made the audience laugh so hard. Team Two had a huge success in its poster with contents that were easy to understand, which was very impressive. Team Three introduced a cappella through very lively body language that helped the audience to learn about a cappella.

Even though the three teams interpreted the topic differently, students were able to learn more about the origin, spirit, and actual works of a cappella after seeing posters, sign boards, live performances, singing, and Q&A. Afterwards, students can then go deeper into the subject through professional a cappella artists, which, in my opinion, was an excellent way to learn about a cappella.

If we ever get another chance to hold a similar exhibition, I think the teams can continue explaining the topics in such lively manners to create learning motivation for the students. However, in order to avoid missing the true essence of the topic, it is my recommendation to let students experience the topic through videos after we have heightened their learning motivation. If actual performance could be added into the presentation, the students would learn the topic more easily.

Text: the Beautiful Voices Compiled by Nicole |Pictures: the Beautiful Voices