Campus Tour - Team Three Exhibition


Team Description

  • Members: Oliver, Henry, Winnie
  • Secret weapon: Cute outfits and lively introductions, lots of interaction with the audience.
  • Video:


Guided tour presentation design:
Poster design:
Presentation on a cappella:
Presentation on HanGuang Vocal Band:
Q&A with prizes:

Preparation Highlights

Preparation Afterthoughts



We started from preparing and memorizing our lines, working on the posters, choreographing our moves, to rehearsing for our presentation, and every step was taken seriously. The poster making part left me with a deep impression since I gathered most of the information and pictures to be presented on the poster, and I have also designed a background for our posters.



During preparation, since we needed a lot of information on HanGuang Vocal Band and a cappella, I ended up learning a lot of things that I did not know of before, for example, a cappella originated in Italy. I have really learned a lot from preparing for this exhibition.



In order to complete the guided tour smoothly and win the most votes, our team was really dedicated from the beginning. During the rehearsal, even if there was only a minor glitch, we would stop and start over again. As a result, everyone got their lines down very well!

Flow of Guided Tour

Guided Tour Afterthoughts



Even though this guided tour event was a lot of hard work, we helped many kids to learn about a cappella and HanGuang Vocal Band, and that was very meaningful. I hope this event can help raise interest about a cappella among students in all grades.



While being a guide, I was speaking on the top of my lungs, so halfway through the activity, I lost my voice. We were all making the best effort to attract as many votes as possible. I tried to exaggerate my performance, so that I can get more attention. I was really happy that many students enjoyed our presentation and voted for us.
From participating in this activity, I realized the meaning of “no pain, no gain.” I had to work hard studying, memorizing and practicing in advance to be able to do a good job as a guide. I’ve learned what it takes to be an effective guide. This experience also helps me realize it is definitely not easy to be those guides that we met on school’s field trips.



From this ‘A Cappella In-School Guided Tour’ event, I was ecstatic to have a chance to be a guide in front of so many people. I have also learned how to plan a guided tour. If I ever get another chance to take part in a similar event, I will be more open and confident to help my team perform even better!

Guided Tour Highlights

Text: the Beautiful Voices|Pictures: the Beautiful Voices|Video: Youtube