Campus Tour - Team One Exhibition


Team Description


Guided tour presentation design:
Poster design:
Presentation on a cappella:
Presentation on HanGuang Vocal Band:
MV selection:
Song design and lyrics:

Preparation Highlights

Preparation Afterthoughts



I think preparation before an event is really important. However, I really miscalculated during the guided tour because I paid too much attention to getting things done perfectly, especially for the guided tour and posters. And it costs us valuable practice time. I really feel sorry to my teammates. Even though we were short on time, we still worked hard. What impressed me most was when we were discussing about the song, every one worked hard and shared thoughts with each other. If I ever get another chance to lead a group, I would draw up a comprehensive work plan beforehand, and then discuss with my team members about job assignment. I would also do a better job on time allocation and management to avoid running overtime.



I was a nervous wreck when I was getting ready for the exhibition on a cappella ! Our group leader assigned many tasks to us which kept us very busy. Although we all work very hard, we had little time to work on the poster together until the other two groups already finished with their posters. We were really behind and ended up with only half a day to practice for the presentation. Luckily, with the help of our teachers, we managed it to complete it in time. If we ever get another chance to put up a exhibition again, we should schedule our tasks in advance and find a more efficient way to work together. We will spend more time on practicing the presentation so that we would not forget the script during the presentation and do a better job as a guide.



I was ecstatic after completing all the posters, sign boards, props, and rehearsal. Our tremendous effort finally paid off. Through the preparation process, I have learned to plan an exhibition and lead a team. I must learn from Angela, who is competent in everything, and better myself.



It is important to memorize what you are going to say and what gestures you are going to do so the actual rehearsal could proceed smoothly.

Flow of Guided Tour

Guided Tour Afterthoughts



Today’s guided tour was really tiring. I shouted at the top of my lung to explain everything about a cappella and HanGuang Vocal Band. Then I realized grades four and five students were more interested in winning prizes and comic acts.
I was really impressed by Ryan’s performance on this team. He was extremely passionate and hard working throughout the event, and he always carries a smile on his face, and that earned our team a few extra points. With great team work, we were ranked number one by the teachers. I think our teachers saw our hard work and team spirit! After this event, I’ve learned how to plan an exhibition and drawing attention from the audience. If we ever get another chance to do it again, we would try to accomplish both.



The moment I saw the first class entering the exhibition hall, my heart almost stopped since it was my first time being a guide. I was so nervous that I kept on forgetting my lines. After this exhibition, I found out that kids prefer contests with prizes and booths that are fun.



During the exhibition, I saw Team Three’s guided tour was so creative, and I even thought about giving up. But our team leader kept on reminding us to hang in there and not get overwhelmed by other teams’ performances. Indeed, our persistence paid off, and we made our exhibition a great success.



I think holding an event is really lots of work. I had to not only get my lines right, but also deliver them in an exaggerated fashion to get people’s attention. But if we want to win the contest, there is nothing to hold me back! When I saw the smiling faces on the audience, it was all worth it!

Guided Tour Highlights

Text: the Beautiful Voices|Pictures: the Beautiful Voices|Video: Youtube