Home》About Cih-Sheng 》The Introduce of Cih-Sheng

The Introduction of Cih-Sheng

Dr. Yang and his wife.

Cih-Sheng was founded by Dr. Yang and his wife in 1952. The kind-hearted couple not only always compares those poor children to their own, but always uses their limited money to adopt the children with special needs. In 1996, the leader of Cih-Sheng, Yang Wen-Yu, turned it into a professional home of medical care, rehabilitation and special education. It has been taken care about one hundred and fifty children so far.

In Cih-Sheng,they not only take care of children’s daily life, but also pay much more attention to their physical and mental development. They hope that their children can be disciplined, well-behaved, productive and dedicative. In Cih-Sheng, they teach their children to strive for their own dignity and to realize the true meaning of life, no matter how tough their lives are.

The bronze statue of Dr. Yang.
The bronze statue of the former director, Mrs. Yang.
The doorplate of Cih-Sheng.
The picture of Cih-Sheng.

The name of the website:

Cih-Sheng Foundation.

The website for reference:


The additional explanation:

1. The pictures are all authorized by Cih-Sheng.
(The authorization paper is placed in the disquisition->the essential reference of plan.)
  2. The content referred to the website of Cih-Sheng.
(The authorization paper is placed in the disquisition->the essential reference of plan.)