Home》About Cih-Sheng 》Research Origin

Research Origin

All the members listened to the
presentation carefully.

Cih-Sheng (Map), a home for people with disabilities and mentally challenged children, is located in Changhua City. For those people who live there, Cih-Sheng is like a big family where they can find love and care.

Through the education in Cih-Sheng, they have a chance to develop their potential, so they can learn how to live independently and make a living on their own in the future. Furthermore, many people give their help and donate necessities and money to them. These kind-hearted people really help and encourage them a lot.

Three of the students in our class have been suffered from mental retardation, learning disabilities and emotional disturbance. In order to let us get more understanding and care more about the students with special needs, our teacher took us to visit Cih-Sheng which is near our school. We also donated our second-hand clothes to the students there.

When we got together with the students, we changed our attitudes about those students who are with special needs, and also, we started learning how to get along with them. Therefore, as we joined the International CyberFair, we decided to introduce Cih-Sheng to people around the world. We hoped that it will get more and more people inspired by what Cih-Sheng has done and make them start to help the people with special needs, just like what we did.

The courtyard in Cih-Sheng.
The participants and the instructor.
Students listened to the report carefully.
The whole class participated in this activity.

In which country is Cih-Sheng?
(A) USA (B) Taiwan