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Love Is Always Free–Chi-Shan Choir,Show Description

       Listen to the concert, Love Is Always Free, by Cih-Sheng Choir.

Watch to the concert, Love Is Always Free, by Cih-Sheng Choir.

First, performers:

Chi-Shan Choir, Chang-Hua Children's Orchestra and Choir and Flute Ensemble

The program schedule of Love Is
Always Free.
Second, time:

On December 11, 2010, 19:00-21:30

Third, place:

ChangHua Auditorium

Fourth, references:



The concert entitled “Love Is Always Free” is the result of our efforts. There will be five choruses perform by Chi-Shan Choir, Chang-Hua Children's Orchestra and Choir and Flute Ensemble in the first session. The innocent vocals and warm story in the second session of "children of Light" musical will touch the heart of the audience.

The children in “Chi-Shan school” are mostly slow-learning or having intellectual disabilities. Thus, we have to spend more time and efforts to teach these children than a regular chorus training. Our children have demonstrated highly involvement and familiarity in the performance. The efforts from the teachers have been paid off. In the past two years, the children learn to express themselves and work hard for the team hosnors. Although these children were moderate, severe, or even very severe disabilities, but they always sincerely smile from the bottom of the heart. The innocence is the power of life. The Dean was moved and said that seeing children learning music and showing improvement in singing have deeply touched my heart.

The program schedule of Love Is
Always Free.

These children either whisper or shout without pretense to reveal their true emotion, which is really impressive. The best music is just like the vocal from these children, a pure and innocent voice expressed deeply from their hearts. You can feel it, only if you see it and hear it, live. In the process, the teachers get their attentions by voice and motion and are patient in the practice. The complexity of the training is far beyond imagination.

Rock Youth Caring Project

"Rock Youth Caring Project" sponsored by the Changhua City Hall, is mainly built for our music loving friends with intellectual or physical disabilities. This project was initiated in 2000, which has assisted our children to explore and develop their potential in Chi-Shan school. We hope to assist a lot more music-loving children to fulfill their dreams through the spiritual power in music. These children in Chi-Shan school have transformed their terrible vocals to confident and pure songs after one year of practice. Their efforts and motivation have touched every audience. Dean Yang Wenyu specially thanked everyone to give these children an opportunity to perform on the stage, which has shown these children can be an angel like others.

The Comments from President Yang
The program schedule of Love Is
Always Free.

President Yang Wenyu said that these children have medium to severe disability. In addition to their expression of difficulties, these children are illiteracy. But our choir members have boosted from ten to more than thirty. Their perseverance in learning has made the impossible dream to happen. After entering their world, we can feel their innocence and power of life through their smiles. At the end, every audience does not care about the tones of the vocals or the accuracy of the pitches, but just to feel the sincere singing from the bottom of their hearts.

What’s the name of the performance in 2010?
(A) The Son of Light (B) My Dream