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“Youth Rock Hope Project”- Documentary of Practice Article by Huang Mei-ya
Photo by Chen You-hsin / Huang Mei-ya
Citing the Article Which Is in the Program Schedule Pages of "The Gentle Transformation"

Changhua City Hall has started “Youth Rock Hope Project” since December 2009; It was implemented by Changhua City Orchestra (CCO). This project is conducted to share music and love with disabilities friends, or friends who are unable to learn music due to current environment. Special thanks to the director of Everpo Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd, Mr. Wu Wen-yong who will sponsor and continue this funding for this project until 2018.

This great love supports the friends who love music can learn the music continuously. Special thanks to the great support of Everpo Insurance Brokers Changhua branch manager Ms. Hsu Xiou-ling, Changhua City Orchestra (CCO) advisor Ms. Hung Chai-ling and Mr. Jian Da-rong.

Currently, “Youth Rock Hope Project” is conducted and instructed by Professor Zhuang Ming-ren who is the professor in the music department of National Taichung University of Education (NTCU), Mr. Zhang Xin-rong who is the Chief Executive of Changhua City Orchestra (CCO), Ms. Huang Mei-ya who is the Creative Director of Changhua City Orchestra (CCO), and the Body Movement Guidance Mr. Chen You-hsin.

Cih-Sheng Choir members are mostly the people with intelligence and cognitive barriers. They require more skills developments in language, body movements, and social relationship. Thus, in 2012, we have set 5 goals:
1. Enhancing the ability of speaking cognitive and memorizing by singing.
2. Enhancing the development of body control by body movements.
3. Enhancing the knowledge of cognitive abstract by the colorful lighting on stage.
4. Enhancing social interaction by music related activities.
5. Enhancing social links by concert performances.

“The Gentle Transformation” concert allowed you to enjoy Cih-Sheng Chorus dancing – “Vibrant.” Perhaps their movements couldn’t be uniformed due to their lack of abstract, so during the practices we couldn’t tell them, “Move to your left side! Move to your right side!” but to tell them, “Move to the door! Move to the window!” Due to the physical limitations, Cih-Sheng members memorized the movements little by little, week by week, every time they improved with little progress and lastly accumulated as a dance – “Vibrant” which was their one-year practicing result.

During practicing this dance, we discovered there were four members who had their own unique emotional body movements. So Ms. Chen You-hsin specially conducted another dance for them. With Ms. Huang Hsin-yi, they led these four members performed- “Listen.” In “Listen”, it involved more malleable and emotional body movements. The body movements expressed what they absorbed from the music and they felt joy, angry, sad and happy after listening. At the end of the dancing, you would see how they have affected in the performance. Please enjoy their dance, “Listen”, together.

The pages of the schedule.

After knowing Cih-Sheng Choir members, you will see their efforts and improvements tonight. In this concert, the song they sing is harder. We not only increase the length of lyrics and the difficulty in articulation, but also make the rhythms more complicated. All instructors are willing to put more efforts because of their hard working. We are going to invite all of the friends to give them the greatest affirmation! Please give them the warmest and the most enthusiastic supports and applauses.

The additional explanation:

1. The content referred to the publication of “The Gentle Transformation Concert” and it was authorized by the teacher, Huang Mei-ya. (The authorization paper is placed in the disquisition -> the essential reference of plan.)