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The History of Reclamation in Beipu

Beipu is a small town in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. It was the base for Hakka immigrants to start their reclamation in Taiwan during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty (1834). Beipu Old Street, used to be an important space as a defense base, still embraces several constructions which can show their defense functions. The main immigrants here were from Huizhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province, and a collection of Hakka immigrants from Jiaying Prefecture and Chaozhou Prefecture.

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Under the leadership of Jiang Xiuluan, the villagers built the Jin Guangfu Mansion as a base for reclamation after they entered the Beipu Basin from Zhudong. After more than ten bloody battles between Hakka immigrants and the aborigines, and after the aborigines suffered tremendous losses in the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), the pioneers gradually moved women and children from other villages to the area. In addition, religious activities are also flourishing, and the pioneers were able to rebuild temples and restore the Citian Temple, the center of faith. The area adjacent to Citian Palace and Jin Guangfu Mansion has gradually formed into shops and streets, which are already the political, economic and religious center of the area.

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Jin Guangfu's reclamation program was terminated after entering the Japanese occupation period, but Beipu was still bustling. At that time, there was a tea testing ground. Because the tea leaves produced in that area were very popular in Japan, many factories sprang up for a while. It was not until 1964 when the company of the tea king Jiang Axin shut down that the tea industry in Beipu declined. Beipu has almost completely lost its former commercial prosperity, but due to the nostalgic trend of Hakka-style snacks and old streets, this place has turned into a tourist attraction.

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Historical Landmarks

Introduction of four historical landmarks on Beipu Old Street.Jin Guangfu Manion, Beipu Citian Temple , Zhongshu Hall and Jiang Axin Ancient House.

Hakka cuisine

Introduction of traditional Hakka food and Lei Cha Culture on Beipu Old Street.

Field Survey

Interview questions and answers of the Field Survey.