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Giant eucalyptus     九龍大榕公   榕的傳人   欣欣向榕  
》The beauty of ficus
        九龍大榕公There are many ancient giant banyan trees in Taiwan. The ancient eucalyptus trees are densely and densely populated, which leads to the mysterious scenes of the "Tree Man" (The Lord of the Rings) and the "Vitraya Ramunong" (Avatar) in many movie stories.

       Ficus mainly helps to breathe through the "Aerial Root", and develop it into the "Prop Root" in the soil. It is not only used to support the whole tree system, but also contributes to the absorption of water nutrients. However, because aerial roots are destructive, eucalyptus is often seen as a hazard to buildings, or in forests, and is known as rogue trees. The growth characteristics of the angry roots have also allowed the eucalyptus to develop a strange scene that is varied, intertwined, and overlapping, bringing surprise and admiration to the visuals of travelers.

       In this chapter, let us introduce the "Jiulong Dashugong" in addition to the simple recommendation of all the Taiwanese organizations with a large tree roots, which makes people feel like a huge embrace of the trees, the famous ancient ficus wonders everywhere:

(NewTaipei City Tamsui River)
(NewTaipei City  Fuguijiao Park)
新北淡水榕堤 新北石門富貴角公園
(source:https://www.flickr.com/photos/goldentime/) (source:https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20160413/837373/)
(Chiayi Meishan Anjing Road)
(Tainan Anping Tree House)
嘉義梅山安靖古道 台南安平樹屋
(source:http://tw.hiking.biji.co/index.php?q=news&act=info&id=1072) (source:http://blog.udn.com/ssss01298/16764093)
(Tainan Nanxi Township Meiling Giant Wood)
(Kaohsiung Fengshan Japanese Navy communications Office)
台南楠西鄉梅嶺老樹巨木群 高雄原日本海軍鳳山無線電信所
(source:http://blog.xuite.net/quakef4/twblog/156709642) (source:https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5498)
(Pingtung Kenting Forest Recreation Area)
(Taitung Zhiben Forest Recreation Area)
屏東墾丁森林遊樂區 台東知本森林遊樂區
(source:https://www.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0001122&id=682) (source:http://blog.xuite.net/quakef4/twblog/156709642)
(Taitung Luye Lushan Tribe Forest Museum)
(Penghu Tongliang ancient banyan tree)
台東鹿野鸞山部落森林博物館 澎湖通樑古榕 
(source:http://tbeastsd.blogspot.tw/2015/05/blog-post_17.html)  (source:http://picssr.com/tags/yongshuh) 

2019 彰化縣立竹塘國中 ChuTang Junior High School
 龍驤蘆荻 有榕乃大 My hometown,My tree